Thursday, October 1, 2015

Will the Ordinary Synod be Manipulated Like the Extraordinary Synod?

I'm reading Edward Pentin's book about Rigging the Synod. Wow! If you want a lesson in Church politics read the book. Thank God we know the Holy Spirit protects the Church, because the number of Judases among the hierarchy appears to be legion. The Synod will never change the doctrine, but the wicked bishops can make it APPEAR that doctrine has changed and that's all they care about. Why do so many Catholic reject Church teaching on contraception? Because of the lies and manipulation after Humanae Vitae. How many people have suffered serious problems as a result. You cannot lie with your body telling your spouse you give everything when you hold back your greatest gift, the capacity to give life. How the demons laugh when people buy the lie.

The progressives don't care about substance, only form. If the Church keeps the substance of the doctrine of marital indissolubility that's fine, as long as sheep in the pew get the idea that the "pastoral" approach allows them to make their own decisions about whether they can receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord while they continue to live in sin. Poor Jesus. So many Catholics today approach Communion unworthily and commit the grave sin of sacrilege. Many are led into this sin by false shepherds who tickle their ears. God help them on Judgment Day.

I hope you are praying the novena to Our Lady of Victory for the Synod. Today is day three. Let's ask St. Therese on her feast day to join us in praying for the family.


  1. Remember, too, that Cardinal Raymond Burke has asked that the faithful pray the Chaplet of the Holy Face for the intention of the success of the Synod, as well as the retention of orthodoxy in our teachings and in pastoral practice in the Church. Burke is a very holy, prophetic voice in the Church, and I strongly feel that, for those who are able, his words should be headed.

    For info, see my original comment about this on your blog.


  2. BTW, I also think it would be great to pray for the success and orthodoxy of the Synod outcomes in our daily Rosaries, too!

