Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dedicated to the USCCB: It Is a Mercy to Spread Laughter!

I woke up this morning with a spoof running around in my head to the 12 Days of Christmas. Now, please don't think that this spoof means I don't take the Year of Mercy seriously. The Year of Mercy is a gift and blessing, an opportunity to reflect on the five corporal and five spiritual works of mercy and put them into action. I plan to make them sources of meditation at my weekly adoration hour and sources of action in my day to day living. I also plan to make the Chaplet of Divine Mercy a regular devotion during this year. Certainly, let us devote ourselves to growing in Mercy this year.

But, in view of all the loony stuff going on among churchmen today,
I couldn't resist poking a little fun. Some of you may remember the U.S. bishops' Lenten calendar several years ago that suggested recycling, turning down your thermostat, replacing your lightbulbs with higher energy versions, etc. as appropriate activities for Lent. In view of that, I think at least some of the U.S. Bishops would approve of a few of my suggestions during the Year of Mercy. So I dedicate this to the bishops. I tried to sing it but could not get past the 5th day of Christmas. Blogger wouldn't let me post the video so I put it on my Facebook page. Here are the lyrics:
On the first day of Christmas I acted in mercy: I took an IRS tax man to tea
On the second day of Christmas I acted in mercy: I sent a check to CRS and ...
On the third day of Christmas I acted in mercy: helped illegals cross the border...
On the 4th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: recycled all my plastics….
On the 5th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: fed five stray cats…
On the 6th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: picked up lots of litter…
On the 7th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: planted seven pine trees…
On the 8th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: baked wedding cakes for gay guys…
On the 9th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: walked doggies at the shelter…
On the 10th day of Christmas I acted in mercy: scolded rigid Catholics…
On the 11th day of Christmas, I acted in mercy: turned my thermostat to fifty…
On the 12th day of Christmas, I acted in mercy:  I fought global warming, turned my thermostat to fifty, scolded rigid Catholics, walked doggies at the shelter, baked wedding cakes for gay guys, planted seven pine trees, picked up lots of litter….fed five stray cats... recycled all my plastics, helped illegals cross the border, sent a check to CRS, and took an IRS tax man to tea.


  1. own thoughts

    On the first day Mercy gave to need to judge anything or anyone.
    On the second day Mercy gave to me ...a reprieve from the sin of sodomy.
    On the third day Mercy gave to me ...need for more inclusive language in the Bible.
    On the fourth day Mercy gave to me ...a rebuke to fundamentalists who are mean.
    On the fifth day Mercy gave to me ... no need to convert Jews or heretics.
    On the sixth day Mercy gave to me ... a scolding for speaking out against abortion.
    On the seventh day Mercy gave to me...the confirmation that Communion in the hand is a good thing.
    On the eight day mercy gave to me...Good relations with dissident nuns.
    On the ninth day Mercy gave to me ...acceptation of the Liturgical dancing charismatics.
    On the tenth day Mercy gave to me...Indulgences to an Order conceived by a bisexual pervert.
    On the eleventh day Mercy gave to me...more appointees who promote heretical beliefs.
    On the eleventh day Mercy gave to me...a light show of beasts and trees and no need to judge anything or anyone!
