Thursday, December 3, 2015

#Lucia-of-Fatima: The Whole World will be Communist!

With the 100th anniversary of Fatima less than two years away, I'm reading every book I can get my hands on about Our Lady's messages to the three little shepherds from the "beautiful lady." This morning, reading Sister Lucia: Apostle of Mary's Immaculate Heart, written by Mark Fellows and published during the 90th anniversary year (2007), I came across an interesting item. In 1946, Lucia, the only surviving seer of Fatima, was interviewed by American historian Professor William Thomas Walsh. During the questioning, she told him several times:
What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, She will convert Russia, and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world.
Professor Walsh asked her if she believed that all the countries throughout the world, without exception, would succumb to Communism.
 Her answer: "Yes." To be completely clear, Walsh asked "and does this mean the United States of America too?" Lucia's answer: "Yes."
This is how Mark Fellows described what came next:
So, had Our Lady spoken to Sister Lucia about the United States? "She gave me a rather startled glance," Walsh reported, "and then smiled in faith amusement, as if to suggest that perhaps the United States was not so important in the general scheme of things as I imagined. "No," she said gently. "She never did. But I wish you would have Masses said for me in the United States." Walsh promised to do so.
I have a strong sense that Fatima is key in what is happening today. Clearly, we are not in the period of peace promised by Our Lady. Every book I've read indicates that only a part of the Third Secret has been revealed: the vision. Our Lady's words have only partly been revealed. "In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc. ..." What our those words that Lucia indicated with "etc.?"

I don't know and I'm certainly not going to speculate. But what I will do and I hope you will join me, readers, is do everything I can to fulfill Mary's wishes. Tomorrow is First Friday which has its own promises revealed to St. Margaret Mary. The next day is the First Saturday of reparation. Will you join me in hearing Mass, receiving Communion, going to Confession within the week, saying the rosary, and spending fifteen minutes in meditation? None of us has control over what the pope and magisterium do. We cannot force them to fulfill the request of Our Lady to consecrate Russia. We can, however, fulfill her request to all the people of the world: do penance, pray the rosary, and make the Five Dirst Saturdays of atonement.


  1. Thanks for this post.
    Unable to make Holy Mass on Friday, but will be there on Saturday.

  2. In 2013 the Carmelite community of Coimbra Sr. Lucy lived in published their own biography of her in which was revealed ANOTHER APEARANCE OF THE BVM in late 1943 which showed an Angel casting a fiery spearhead towards the AXIS of the earth, which throws it off kilter, causing enormous storms and variation of temperatures, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It also revealed cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops. She wrote this down and placed it in a short envelope in early 1944. THIS IS THE LETTER THAT POPE JOHN XXIII OPENNED AND READ IN THE COMPANY OF CARDINAL OTTAVIANI AND HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY AND HIS PERSONAL THEOLOGIAN who all read it in August 1959. The Pope said then that it did not pertain to his reign, then put it back in its envelope had the others sign their names after him and sealed it with wax. IT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN SINCE AND THE VATICAN HAS NEVER MENTIONED IT TO THIS DAY! The bio has been translated into English and published in early 2015. THIS IS WHAT WAS MISSING ABOUT THE THIRD SECRET, SINCE IT WASN'T IN THE ORIGINAL 1917 MESSAGE, BUT CAME IN MUCH LATER (1943).

  3. Read this post that was written after Pope Benedict's abdication and prior to Pope Francis' election, hence the speculation of the election of a "Pius XIII". What is not mentioned is that Pope St. Pius X and Pope Benedict XVI have the same first name - Joseph.

  4. Umblepie, let's pray for each other at Mass. It will be a joy to be together in spirit.

  5. At this point, I am beginning to think communism would be a step up.

    1. Keep in mind the accounts--of which I'm sure you're aware--of those who have lived and died under the terrors unleashed by Lenin & successors, Mao, Kim Il-sung & family, the Castros, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, etc., and combine them with the terror of the victims of Mohammedanism--now resurrecting worldwide through the assistance of its communist/globalist/masonic allies foreign and domestic--through the centuries, and you'll know with certainty that we have many descending steps yet to take towards the level of their torturously cruel suffering.

  6. If you're going to write about the words of the real Sister Lucy (1945 was definitely the real Sister Lucia) then it would nice to see a picture of the real Sister Lucy and not the impostor they pretended was Sister Lucia for all those years.

  7. I also have begun to be more fascinated by Fatima and the ramifications of Our Lady's words for us today and in the future. It seems apparent that things requested by Our Lady have not been completed by either laity or clergy and that's never a good thing.

    I do think that there are things that were specifically requested of us, like daily rosaries, that is simply a matter of choice.

    My blog:

  8. I don't know whether there are two Sr. Lucias or not. I tend to take conspiracy theories with a grain of salt. I do know the chin of this Sr. Lucia looks like the original and if she had to get false teeth at some point it would change her appearance considerably. No one looking at my wedding photo would recognize that pretty young thing in the old lady I am today.

  9. Conspiracy theory is a favorite term usually of the political left to take away virtually any opposing argument or person making the argument. They must be a cuckoo-for-cocoa puffs conspiracy nutter. But no conspiracy theory is needed here, the Vatican (please know "vatican" means only some select cardinals and officials, I'm not dragging down the Holy Catholic religion) was flat out busted with that fake "3rd Secret" which they released in 2000 on 4 sheets of paper when 3rd secret eyewitnesses (cardinals, Fr. Malachi Martin) were on record saying the secret was written on one single sheet of paper. It's these foolish churchmen at the Vatican's stumbling, bumbling, and flat out lying that took away the "conspiracy" argument.

    At any rate, the great and holy Cardinal Ottaviani found a very clever and might I add Italian way to release the secret, he merely helped point out in a padded (words added) document which were in the actual 3rd secret. Thus even though he had read the secret and was under oath not to reveal the secret (as was Malachi Martin) he didn't actually reveal it, he just pointed out what was in the secret. This is the secret below and when this version WITH padding was read on air to Fr. Malachi Martin he admitted that parts of that were contained in the 3rd secret and he said whoever read it must have been told the secret.

    Below is what Cardinal Ottaviani helped get released, if you read the messsage of Akita it's almost the exact same as well as LaSalette and several other apparitions. Remember as the real sister Lucia stated in 1943 (I believe it was 43) "The secret is for the people and it's to be released in 1960 because everything would be more clear then." The secret was NEVER for the bishops and hiuerachy, it was for the faithful!

    "A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race; not today as yet, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century.
    No longer does order reign anywhere and Satan will reign over the highest places directing the course of events. He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church. Also for the Church a time of Her greatest trials will come. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals; Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome there will be changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again. The Church will be darkened and the world deranged by terror.
    A great war will break out within the second half of the Twentieth Century, fire and smoke will fall from Heaven, the water of the oceans will become vapors and the foam will rise up flooding and sinking everything, millions and millions of people will die by the hour and the survivors will envy the dead.
    Death will reign everywhere for the errors committed by the foolish and by the partisans of Satan, who, then and only then, will reign over the world. At last, those who will survive all of these events will once more proclaim God and His Glory and serve Him like before, when the world was not as corrupted."

  10. But we haven't had a war of that dimension and we are now in the 21st century. I know chastisements can be lessened or even averted by prayer and sacrifice, but if that is the secret how do you explain the fact that Mary's prophecy has not come true? It certainly can't be because the world has repented! That is self-evidently not true.

  11. Mrs. Kreitzer, you forgot "me" after "But I wish you would have Masses said for" in Walsh's quote of Sister Lucia.

  12. Thank you for being my editor, Windwardman. I can always use one! :)

  13. Everyone always points out the second half of the 20th century has come and gone, indeed it has, I can only thank our Lady for holding back the arm of her Son as she has said in other private prophecy she can barely do this. If ignorant, prideful churchmen hid her message which was "for the people" and was to be read to the people, and hid this message for decades until some faithful finally got the message out don't you think our Lord would wait a bit before chastising?
    You say our Lady's prophecy has not come true? Do we see Cardinals opposing Cardinal and Bishop Opposing Bishops? A: Yes Has there been "changes in Rome" A. Yes Is the "world deranged by terror" A: Sure looks like it's getting there no? Oh, and "Satan infiltrating the very top of the Church" A: I can't judge a man but what he does is fair game for judging, trying to change the doctrine of the faith on divorce? I can only guess who inspired this action and it sounds like the one with cloven hoofs. All of these things btw would have been SHOCKING to the Church faithful in 1960 much less 1944 or so when this was written down. We have grown so accustomed to bishop opposing bishop we think it's normal, it's not at all, it's something that has come to be since the 1960's

    The important thing is the mystery is no longer a mystery, we know whether it be through Akita, or Fatima, or Bl. Elena Aiello or the dozens of other private revelations that there is a chastisement very SOON if man does not repent. We also know that the consecration of Russia has not yet been done because we have not had a period of peace.

  14. Clearly, the chastisement is already here. ISIS torturing and beheading and creating mayhem everywhere, cancer due to the pill and abortion, AIDS and the resurgence of syphilis, wars all over the place, etc. No, I don't disagree with you at all.

  15. Fake Sister Lucy alert. That photo is of the impostor.

  16. Mother Angelica warned us on Dec 12th ,2000. However that ten or fifteen minute warning has been removed from the audio library edition of Mother Angelica Live show,on that date and replaced by music.

    She said, and I paraphrase here only that which I remember , The economy is going to get very bad. Some of you will not even be able to afford a banana. Two thirds of the world's population will perish but if you manage to survive ,the world will be much netter than the garden of Eden in many ways. Then she held up her rosary and said,"This is all you will have left, stay close to Our Lady.I cannot tell you how I know this, but I am telling you the truth."

    Pray the Rosary for the Church ,your families and your own peace of mind.
    Mary conceived without sin Pray for us and the whole world!
