Saturday, December 12, 2015

Plea to Our Lady of Guadalupe: #ConvertTheModernAztecs!

Today on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I'm praying that the Queen of Heaven will intercede for the conversion of the modern Aztecs in our society:
  • Planned Parenthood and all abortion providers and promoters who spill the blood of the innocent and victimize their mothers
  • "Researchers" who, like Dr. Mengele, use the organs and tissues of the untermenschen to "advance science"
  • The vital organ industry that literally rips the hearts out of living patients so they can give them to others and reap the billions in financial profits from the sale
  • All those using "semantic gymnastics" to paint killing as compassion and preaching that the end justifies the means, particularly those using religion-based community organizing groups to rope the faithful into cooperating with evil.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, we know you are our Mother and that you love us. We recall your words to Juan Diego, "Juanito, Juan Dieguito...the most humble of my son the little dear....Hear me and understand well, my son the least, that nothing should frighten or grieve you. Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness [of your uncle], nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within the folds of my garment? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything."

Please, Blessed Mother, help us to have the humble faith of your "little Juanito." Help us to grow in humility through his example. Please defeat the bloody pagan culture in which we are living. Thank you for being the Patroness of our country. We beg your intercession, through Christ our Lord, Amen.


  1. Not to mention intervene with the contemporaries of the Aztecs, the Muslims, who threaten your children.

  2. Mary is the answer to every question about the faith. She leads us straight to Jesus. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
