Sunday, December 27, 2015

Feast of the Holy Family: The Family Dinner is a Must!

One of the things I always made sure happened at our house when the children were growing up was the family dinner. Even when the kids were involved in activities I tried to plan dinner so we could all eat together and, generally, we did.

Our family is down to two, but I still try to make a delicious healthy dinner for the two of us that we eat together. And on the feast of the Holy Family it seems like an appropriate thing to think about.

I also hate to waste food and always try to present leftovers in an appealing way that disguises the fact that most of the ingredients came from other meals and are morphing into a new one.

If you want to see all about what I fixed tonight visit my Grandma blog. It was Christmas leftovers redux.

The picture above shows most of the ingredients. I'm sure you can guess what I fixed. It was a hit with my favorite food critic.

Now what do you think Mary fixed for Joseph and Jesus and served at the family table in Nazareth? And did she bring a dish to share to the wedding feast in Cana?

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