Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Second New Year's Resolution: Pray for Our Military Living and Dead!

Watch this lovely tribute to the veterans of World War II. My dad, a navy ensign at the start of the war who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, was one. Son of a church organist and a musician himself (Daddy played the organ for the Catholic services at the Naval Academy when he was a student there), he would have loved this. And so I dedicate this to my dad and all those brave men and women who served in World War II and for all those who continue to serve. I resolve to pray for them at Mass and when I say my rosary during 2016. "No greater love is there than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." May we all pray for peace during 2016, the peace that comes through loving God, loving our neighbor, and doing the duties of our states in life with the help of Jesus through Mary.

1 comment:

  1. Although I was born in 1942, I later learned to love some of the music my parents enjoyed, such as Tommy Dorsey.

    I have a cousin, who is still alive, who was an eight year old at the time of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. His father was in the service there, and his family was in a house near the harbor. He heard the whirl of planes coming over, went outside just in time to see a Japanese pilot coming over the avenue in front of his house. He saw the pilot's face, but he had on googles. The plane went on to bomb the harbor.

    A few days later, my cousin went close to that area and picked up shrapnel and so forth and tried to sell it until his mother stopped him Years later he donated those things to the Pearl Harbor Museum. He was interviewed a few years ago for an article in an Oregon newspaper.

    May your father's soul and all who died and served during that time rest in peace.
