Sunday, January 31, 2016

#Rein in the Feds: What Is Really Happening in the West?

It's an assault on the Constitution!

LaVoy Finicum is dead because the tyrannical feds will crush anyone who threatens their power. It will be instructive to watch the draconian treatment of the other arrested protesters who are now in custody and being held without bail. The next step? Crush them in the court system using legislation drafted for terrorists.

This is the identical strategy used against pro-lifers. Anti-racketeering legislation, RICO, was used against peaceful protesters threatening the abortion juggernaut. Legislation drafted to address mafia-type organizations and gangs was manipulated to go after rescuers to ruin them financially and suppress their free speech. It took two decades for pro-life icon Joe Scheidler to win the NOW vs. Scheidler case and finally be out from under the threat of personal financial ruin. This is how evil operates.

I've experienced the draconian hand of government myself at the state level. I was arrested in Buffalo with the Spring of Life right to life rescue in 1992. We were charged with a misdemeanor for blocking traffic. We had a large bail and those of us from out of town couldn't get local bondsmen to cover us. I spent 24 days in jail.

I got into it with one of the lady jailers for putting up a sign that read, "Welcome to the Gulag." She was offended because she had requested the detail to make sure we were treated well. "It isn't about our treatment," I told her. "We're political prisoners. How many people spend a month in jail for blocking traffic?" We were being held, not because of what we did but why we did it.

There were over 100 women in the jail, most of us sleeping in a hallway on the floor with our mattresses inches apart. Another big group of men were being held elsewhere. It must have cost the city a fortune, but they held us very deliberately, not because we were a threat, but to punish us. They didn't like what we stood for and they were determined to make us pay. The same thing happened to the Civil Rights protesters in the 1960s who sat in at the lunch counters and the same thing is happening today out west.

I've watched the videos of LeVoy Finicum. He isn't a violent man. He and his wife were foster parents for difficult kids nobody else wanted. And where were the protesters going when they were stopped? To a meeting arranged by Glenn Palmer, Grant County Sheriff, ostensibly to try to work out a settlement and exit plan. Was that just a set up?

While hundreds waited for the protesters to arrive, word of the killing arrived instead. And the sheriff left and went to the roadblock.

The whole thing is sad, but it fits the pattern of the government at both the federal and state levels when it comes to dealing with threats to their power. Peaceful pro-lifers have experienced police brutality on numerous occasions. The Operation Rescue in Atlanta in 1988 is just one example. I was in one Maryland rescue when mounted police charged into the crowd and then picked up rescuers sitting on the ground and threw them on top of other rescuers. I was one of those thrown. When citizens challenge a tyrannical state, brutality and even murder are too often the result. We kill thousands of babies "legally" in this country every day. Why would we doubt that a government that protects the killing of the most helpless wouldn't be willing to kill those who dare to stand up and challenge them?


  1. Wow! You have been through quite the test. God bless you for your steadfast courage!

    I couldn't agree more with what is happening in the West. Hollywood has been bombarding the people of our country with sexual perversions and distortions since I've been alive (59 years) with each new year upping the ante. The communists/socialists have inch by inch infiltrating our Church, our government, our schools, our news media and our lives with their indoctrination where near half of this country is supporting 2 socialists because they don't even know they are continuing to vote away their rights and the rights of every person in this country.

    It is a struggle for anyone who can see the chasm in our One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church as well as the chasm in our country between a moral constitutional republic and an anti-moral socialist democracy.

    May God continue to bless you with grace upon grace and your entire family.

  2. I couldn't not be involved. Those babies seemed to me like siblings of my own babies. What I did was only what I was compelled to do and, thank God, I had a husband who supported me. I stopped rescuing when God removed the compulsion. That was in the 70's before Operation Rescue and when my younger children were still babies. I guess he knew I didn't have the energy to do both. When Operation Rescue started, my two youngest were in elementary school and he gave me back the compulsion.

    I know I was meant to go to Buffalo. We had a foster child at the time and I was his security blanket. The average time in foster care for children from D.C. was five years. Herbie had been with us for three months. I told the Lord if he wanted me to go to Buffalo, Herbie had to go home. The next day we got the call that he was being reunited with his family. So I bowed to Jesus on the cross and went.

    There are lots of stories like that from my days in rescue. It was very clear that Jesus was right in the middle of it. When you are trying to save His babies, you are close to His heart.
