Saturday, March 12, 2016

...and of the Holy Face

Holy Face of Jesus from Shroud of Turin
Remember that St Therese of Lisieux's full name was St Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. So today for Lent I looked up the Litany of the Holy Face.

Two verses struck me, the first being, "O adorable Face, whose sanctity and majesty smote the soldiers with fear and cast them to the ground" which is of course from John 18:6

One swift glance of all that glory and beauty and the soldiers, so inwardly astounded - although they still persevered in their hardness of heart - fell to the ground. Even today, the Bible being for all time, we still look, are astounded but continue our hardness of heart. 

The other verse - "O adorable face, whose incomparable beauty was obscured under the dreadful cloud of the sins of the world" - reminds me of the everyday news containing so much incredible evil, with Christ being obscured beneath agendas of the moment.

Christ totally obscured by Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner who has so much "mom-love" to give now that he is a woman that he's searching for a baby to adopt. Christ obscured by Hollywood elites who despise God. Christ obscured by totalitarian governments. Christ even obscured in our homes by family members not able to believe.

I love the Holy Face Litany! and will try to pray it every day for the remainder of Lent...and of course hopefully beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Via E-Mail

    I was reading your blog post for today... and I too like the litany to the Most Holy Face! In fact Fr. Gaitley's newest book: 33 Days to Merciful Love (with the Little Flower) has the Holy Face of Christ image on the inside cover of the book - just beautiful:

    Here are some other prayers to the Adorable Holy Face that you might like:

    Peace & Prayers, ~K A

    “Fasting is the support of our soul, it gives us wings to ascend on high.” ~ St. John Chrysostom
