Monday, March 21, 2016

I Am My Own Shepherd, Right?

This is a woman 
(Chaz Bono)

The Twenty-Third Chromosome 

“I am my own shepherd; I shall do whatever I want.” – Me

This is a man
(Stefonknee Wolsch)
The sex of a child is fixed at the instant of conception through the paired XY (male) or XX (female) twenty third chromosomes. God wrote male or female into our DNA genetic code like the Ten Commandments were written by His finger on Moses’ two tablets of stone – fixed, permanent and forever. Simply put, examined DNA will instantly reveal to any scientist that a particular human person is male or female.

St. Francis de Sales said, “Do not desire not to be what you are,” yet ever increasingly we read news stories about the glories of sex change operations and how happy is the new gender enhanced person being something not only that he or she never was before, but something he or she never can be, therefore never will be for all eternity.

For instance, in the shifting world of man’s irrational lusty sexual desires, Chastity Bono, the daughter of Sonny and Cher Bono, who now thinks she is a man named Chaz, will never be a man even though she has had her breasts removed in what is known as “top surgery” in the transgender world of make believe. She ingests testosterone hormones to appear masculine and grow facial hair, nevertheless Chastity’s DNA will forever tell any geneticist that she is a human female.

This is a woman 
(Shannon Pierce Minter)
British couple Felix and Helen Fenton both had “magical” sex change operations. After living together six years they decided to become each other. Felix, age 46, had been a woman named Helen who became a man and now is the husband of Helen, age 56, who had been a man named Felix but now is a woman and the wife of Felix. They legally married in England in September, 2013. One clueless person commenting on this story in the British press said, “Despite the smoke and mirrors, this actually is a marriage! They might be a man pretending to be a woman and a woman pretending to be a man, but physically they are a man and a woman, and that is a marriage.” (Of course, “pretending” is the key word here.)

The “pregnant man” Thomas Beatie is a woman who had gender reassignment surgery (sex change operation) but who still had a womb which could bear a child, because she wanted to have biological children (and did), even though at the same time she wanted to be a man – and  a pregnant man at that.

This is a man
(Caitlyn Jenner)
What shines forth from people such as these? Does the Savior shine in the midst of their hearts? Is He their life-breath, the center of their being, the reflected image of their interior life? Or rather is there a sickness of the soul so weighted down by their self-indulgent wills which makes it almost impossible for them to wholly rise from the depths of their depravity.

The government-controlled media help stir the bubbling cauldron, stoking the burning fire of man’s desire to be noticed even for such appalling actions as sex change surgery. Such people beam gleaming smiles for the rolling cameras to tell the world about the marvelous magically wonderful thing they have done in becoming something other than what God made them.

Uncharitably we want to point out the obvious (It’s in your DNA, Stupid.) or sarcastically repeat the words of our Blessed Mother (How can this possibly be?!) in order to aid them on the journey to stark realization that their magical dream is impossible.

Instead, we must remember that these persons who have fallen into such transgression, are truly the poorest of the poor, and as difficult as it is, we are instructed out of love for all mankind, to intercede for them. We must pray that meekness and humility may be granted them so that they may yield, not to us, but to God’s will…and we must pray as Jesus prayed: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Susan Matthiesen


  1. Thank you, Susan. You have truly spoken the truth in charity. Affirming lies is not an act of charity. Those parents who do it in order to maintain the good opinion of their sick children care more about their own feelings than the salvation of their children's souls. That is truly the worst form of child abuse!

  2. This is the result of post christian and nihilistic culture. This is the result of a culture that admits of no truth other than what an individual decides for themselves. And, all others must bow to their 'truth"

    And, this is the more basic aspect of Christ-ism. Christ is the Way and the Truth. Everything is subject to His Kingship. There is no truth or life apart from Him.

    “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

    These are the words of Truth itself. These poor deluded or sinning people are the withered branch that will not bear fruit. They have purposely put themselves away from life giving truth.
    They need to hear the truth and we need to speak the truth. It's really that simple if we listen to the Master.

  3. Regarding the individual with the surname Jenner - This individual won an Olympic Gold Medal (Decathlon) in 1976 as a male. This individual reaped considerable wealth and fame as a consequence of this medal (Wheaties box-top,etc). At some time point later, this individual decided that his biological gender (male) was not the same as his mental gender (female). So, if he believes that 'he' is really a 'she', the Olympic medal (won as a male) and all the fame and fortune that resulted from it can be arguably considered a fraud.

    Mr. Guido Kratschmer of (then West) Germany was awarded the Decathlon Silver Medal in 1976. Taking the gender of the athlete with the surname Jenner to its logical conclusion would dictate the the Olympic Committee should void Jenner's Gold medal & award the Gold Medal to Mr. Kratschmer.

  4. Creepy. I was appalled learn that the local endocrinologists provide sex hormones to transgender people. Someone is making money off these deluded people.
