Monday, June 13, 2016

What Can You Say to a Mom Expecting a Baby with Down Syndrome?

Share this! And Remember -- God doesn't make mistakes! And if you know a family with a Down Syndrome member, support them with prayers and practical help. You'll be more blessed by your giving than they will be in the receiving!


  1. Thank you so much. We are adopting a baby with Downs. I will pass this on to my wife and family and we will cry. Life is beautiful. God is good. Everything He creates is quite good.

  2. God bless you, Brian. My husband and I will offer our rosary today for you and your family and especially the precious little angel coming into your home to bless your family.

  3. I am honored. Thank you, on behalf of Rosalie Therese, child of God.


    read the whole thing...

  5. Rosalie Therese, what a beautiful name. It reminds me of my husband's mother whose middle name was Rosalia. I'm off to say my rosary with my husband. We will present those 150 roses to Our Lady in honor of Rosalie.

  6. From California,

    What a beautiful commercial. I had a friend, who has since passed away, who had a child with Down Syndrome. Later in life her daughter got a job too, and is now living most often with her sister, her husband and their children and often stays at her father's house since her mother passed away.

    Her mom was very saintly and went to Mass every day. Years later the mother died of a type of cancer that was caused by Hepatitis B, which she got from a blood transfusion when giving birth.

    May she, though the mercy of God, rest in peace, and may the Good Lord and his Holy Mother love, protect and support all families with these very special children. I recommend to them, the book "Angel in Disguise" By Dale Evans. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, two protestant Christians, were very pro life. May they also rest in peace.

  7. Anonymous, California ... Thanks for the book recommend. Just bought "Angel in Disguise" on Kindle.

  8. From California,

    Brian, you are welcome.

    A pro life physician, who knew Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, helped save my life over twenty five years ago when I was volunteering for a crisis pregnancy center.

  9. From California,

    Actually, the name of the book is "Angel Unaware", but if one puts in "Angel in Disguise" by Dale Evans, the book still comes up as Brian evidently found out. At seventy three my memory is somewhat "gone" (much laughter).
