Thursday, February 2, 2017

When was the last time we saw this at the White House?

Heavenly Father, we beg for your intercession on our new president and his administration. We beg your assistance and guidance in all the selections for cabinet posts, the Supreme Court, other federal judge positions, and all other positions of influence. Give us a government pleasing to you that defends life at all levels from conception to natural death. We thank you for the reprieve from tyrannical Democrats, especially those professing to be Catholic who blaspheme your Holy name as they worship at the altar of Moloch. We beg for your continued protection on the United States through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


  1. What a TOTALLY REFRESHING SITE!!!!!!!! The Obama White House had been supporting atheism and promoting such for way too long. Praise God this administration encourages PRAYER again!! This picture drives the progressives totally bonkers you know! They took any reference to 'God' our of the Democrat Platform a few years back in an effort to remove God from his throne and put government in His place...............I for one and soooooo thankful to GOD they didn't succeed.

  2. Well, there's this time, for one...

    Does DJT even claim to belong to a church? Or is he just a "Christian" because that's what gets the votes?

  3. Thanks for the prayer. I prayed it and meant it. May God bless us all.

  4. Well, Anonymous, I wonder whether you opined about Bill Clinton's religion being used to garner votes as he carried around his Bible. In view of his politics and personal life of killing children, promoting sodomy, and raping, groping and seducing women it's a fair question. I won't ask the question about Obama since it was fairly common knowledge that he rarely attended church while in the White House. And in Chicago he attended Jeremiah Wright's "God damn America!" church.

  5. Anonymous 1.35 answered your question. Politicians have been misusing religious appearances since time immemorial. So your picture tells us very little about trump, is all Anonymous was saying.

  6. I guess the bottom line is to whom are these folks praying? A god who favors the murder of the children he creates? The Carthaginians worshiped Moloch and fed their children to him. Or the God of life who created each of us in His image and likeness.

    The Democrats officially endorse murder. It's in their platform. The Republicans officially endorse life. It's in their platform.

    So when I see those praying who are defending life, I believe they are sincere. When I see people praying who endorse child-killing, well...I wonder to whom they are praying.
