Thursday, April 13, 2017

More Bad News from the Vatican re. Dissent-Lover Fr. James Martin, S.J.

Fr. Martin introduced Metallica in 2013 
Well I guess it isn't surprising to see modern Jesuits sticking together. As my mom always said, "Birds of a feather flock together." And Fr. Martin certainly shares the same feathers with Pope Francis, praising many disordered actions and dissing those who love the orthodox faith as Christ taught it.

So, get to the point, you say.

All right, here it is.

First, The James Martin Effect from Crisis Magazine. Martin received an award last October and gave the keynote address at New Ways Ministry's (NWM) awards event. If you're not familiar with New Ways Ministry here's how the author describes them:
a dissident, pro-gay-identity, pro-gay-sex, pro-gay-“marriage” group whose work was long ago condemned by both the Roman Curia and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
That's the short version. There is plenty more that could be written about this evil group that tickles ears instead of leading sinners to conversion as do groups like Courage and En-courage. NWM's head described the "James Martin Effect" which is the big jump in hits their website receives whenever Fr. Gay Cheerleader posts something about them. Yes, the ear-tickler effect pays dividends.

But here is the really bad news. This disgraceful priest has just been named a consultor to the Vatican's Secretariat of Communication. Think of that! This very public dissenter from key teachings of the Church on marriage, sexuality, and the family is now an adviser in all these areas: Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Centre as well as the Holy See's website and the pope's Twitter handle, @Pontifex. Isn't that dandy?

The Vatican just handed Fr. Martin a megaphone for his dissenting views.

Well, nothing should shock us any more from this papacy. Pope Francis has surrounded himself with the worst of the worst. He is clearly leading the Church on the "primrose path of dalliance" where mortal sins against chastity are no bar to approaching the altar for Communion, where atheists and pro-abortion scientists overwhelm Vatican dicasteries and conferences, where orthodox young people are described as mentally ill for loving the Latin Mass.... I could go on, but that is discouraging enough.

So where does that leave us? On our knees, of course, begging for mercy and making atonement for evils firmly entrenched in the Church of Christ at the highest levels. We have had evil Church leaders throughout Church history, but I think we are reaching a climax in this 100th anniversary year of Fatima.

Lucia, the seer of Fatima had a vision in the 1940's about the "purification of the world from sin." Will these prophecies come during our time? Pray and be prepared for no one knows the day or time. We can help Mary defeat the dragon by obeying her requests at Fatima. Are you praying the daily rosary? Do it!


  1. I do not get it! It has been said over and over again by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and many others that the consecration was made and accepted. It has been reported many times (especially on EWTN) that Sr. Lucia said before she died that the consecration that Pope John Paul made was accepted by Our Lady and Heaven, so why do some people keep saying that Russia was not consecrated? This is soooo confusing to us all.

    There was the same problem with the acceptance of the Miraculous Medal, too, in the past. A few still keep harping that the first vision St. Catherine received was the one that should have been used for the medal, although St. Catherine herself said that the change to using the second vision for the medal was accepted by Our Lord and Our Lady.

    I am sorry, but I accept what the two popes and Sr. Lucy have said and not all the rumors and conspiracy theories. It is tearing the Church apart.

  2. There are many eminent Catholics who say the consecration has not been done and it certainly a fact that it was never done as Our Lady requested. Bishop Athanasius Schneider and historian Robert de Mattei are among them. You may be interested in this article.

    It is not disagreement over the Fatima message that is tearing the Church apart. It is the moral relativism promoted by the Pope himself and many high level clerics who are casting doubt on infallible Church teaching including the indissolubility of marriage.

    No one is required to believe private revelations although I would say that there is definitely an element of public revelation for the world at Fatima including the miracle of the sun that was seen by so many.

  3. Regarding Fr Martin's appointment - personnel is policy.

  4. I agree with anonymous. I believe the Church, JPII, BXVI and Sr Lucia not and/or Fr Gobbi. After 100 years of Communism, Russia is becoming a Christian country again which is more than I can say for America.

  5. Our Lady promised world peace after the Consecration. The world has become increasingly less peaceful and more immoral in recent years. Our Lady keeps her promises, so the only reasonable conclusion is that we have not yet done our part. The Consecration of specifically Russia with all the bishops has never been ordered by the Pope and has never been performed.

  6. Here are two interesting articles on this. I agree that it's pretty hard to see the miraculous intervention of Mary's Immaculate Heart in a consecration that takes decades to fulfill.

  7. It seems appropriate that he was appointed on Spy Wednesday.

  8. Actually none of knows what Sr. Lucia said or thought or wrote after she entered the cloister. All we really have is what we are told that she said or she wrote.

  9. Anonymous, I did get your private message. Thank you.
