Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Is the Tail Wagging the Dog? Hey, Just Hire Your Protest Crowd!

How much Soros money is fueling protests
around the country and the world?
I used to think all the talk about George Soros funding groups to hire protesters was overblown. Well, a little investigating is making it look a lot more reasonable.

Have you heard about the Craig's List ad offering $25 an hour to actors and photographers for protests and rallies in Charlotte, NC? It was for real - posted by a crowd company that, for a fee, will provide you with actors and photographers to make your event look bigger than it really is so you can manipulate the outcome.

You got an issue? Just hire a crowd.

It makes all the rumors about George Soros paying AntiFa thugs look like more than a rumor. And, in fact, there are numerous examples of ads for protesters posted by various radical groups that receive financial support from Soros and other liberal groups. It appears to have been common during the campaign. Check here and here and here and here. We know for a fact that Soros poured $33 million in one year into the groups that organized the Ferguson protests that ended in riots there in 2014. Was that just a warm-up for what we're seeing now?

Check out advertised as "YOUR HOME FOR PROTESTS, RALLIES, AUDIENCES, PR STUNTS, AND CELEBRITY EVENTS." But it gets even more elaborate:
Are you looking to create a buzz anywhere in the United States? At Crowds on Demand, we provide our clients with protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts. These services are available across the country in every major U.S city, every major U.S metro area and even most smaller cities as well. We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas. You can come to us with a specific plan of action and we can make it happen. OR, you can approach us with a general idea and we can help you plan the strategy then execute it.
We’ve made campaigns involving hundreds of people come to action in just days. We have a proven record of delivering major wins on even the toughest campaigns and delivering phenomenal experiences with even the most logistically challenging events.
Our services are now available throughout the United States, so whether you’re looking at doing a single event or a multi-city campaign, we have the resources available to achieve your goals. 
Sound interesting? 
Reach out to us by filling out the form below with as much detail as possible. From there, we’ll get back to you quickly with some ideas and pricing. Thanks again! We look forward to working with you.
The company is based in L.A. and has actors all over the country. I wonder if George Soros' Open Society is one of their clients. I hope the FBI is looking into their paid crowds and who is funding them. Here's how Crowds on Demand describe their "talent":
We use top notch professional talent with significant acting experience for our crowds. We believe that “the customer is always right” and as such run Crowds on Demand as a service centered business. If you think you would be a good fit for our team, email us at or fill in the form below. With over 500 actors across the nation, you’ll be joining a world-class team!
Snopes investigated the Charlotte, NC ad. They talked to Crowds management and got a lot of "no comments" from them. I'm not a fan of Snopes since they are one more liberal group distorting the truth, but the best they could do is say that speculation that Crowds on Demand was involved in any of the protests after Charlottesville was "unproven." Maybe it's time the FBI looked into these "protests" to see how many are deliberately stirred up.

The manipulated crowd chose Barabbas!
We are living in times where you can't believe your eyes and ears. Mobs are manipulated just like the mob that screamed for Christ's crucifixion. But mobs are hard to control as the French Revolution showed and sometimes the movers and shakers become the victims of their own machinations. That's what happened to Robespierre, architect of the Reign of Terror.

One thing we can be sure of, however, is that nothing just happens. God's perfect and permissive wills is like a tent over us. No matter the evil in the world, no matter how many tails wag the dogs, God promises that "All things work together for good" for those who love Him and "serve according to His purpose."

Let's stop, thank Him for creating and loving us, and turn everything in our lives over to Him through the intercession of the Blessed Mother. "Take, Lord, receive all my liberty: my memory, my understanding and my entire will. All that I have, everything that I am belongs to you. I return it to be used in accordance with your perfect will. Give me only Your love and Your grace, that will be enough for me and I will be satisfied." Amen.


  1. I do not use my e-mail provider's "news source" any more, except on very rare occasion, nor do I use their blog at all. Most of the headlines are nothing but progressive "yellow" journalism. I do not get on the rare ones with decent truthful titles, either, because the provider will get points in the polls, and the writer will often twist what happened in the situation, then bloggers who will click thumbs down and call names or get vulgar for perfectly normal, decent and charitable answers. Who needs that? It only makes me angry and ruins my day.

  2. I know exactly what you're talking about. I rarely leave comments on liberal sites because it gets the barbarians hacking you with their axes. So I follow the scriptural admonition: "Don't cast your pearls before swine." Unfortunately there are many swine in the culture who have dulled their intellects and can only snort and root. They will rip you to shreds if they can. The best thing to do is pray for them but not engage.

  3. I did not see any Antifa or Planned Parenthood crews helping the needy in Houston. As soon as I get my telescope set up I will look again. :)

  4. Carlos Caso-Rosendi, they are too busy braying about gun control after the young woman got killed by a car, not a gun, at the General Lee statue protest, and too busy trying to decide whether or not to take out Columbus. At least one Buddha statue got smashed in all the fray, though he was too old to be in the Civil War, but, by golly, gee, whiz, some Buddhists have the name Lee so that must surely be offensive. They are also ramping up the presses for Hilary's new book, trying to make her great again.

  5. I probably went overboard in my post Sept.1 at 5:49 pm. The smashing of the Buddhist statue probably had nothing to do with General Lee, but it could have been in retaliation for the smashing of another statue. I do not think the police had any idea what the motive was at the time I wrote my post. I need to be careful what I say. Sorry!
