Friday, August 11, 2017

Prayer Requests? I'll Take Them on Retreat

Be still and know that I am God.
I'm going on a five day silent Ignatian Retreat starting Monday evening and ending Saturday. I will leave some posts scheduled to appear while I'm gone, but won't be moderating any comments. Please be patient; I will moderate them on my return. The only comments that will post will be those written by my colleagues, Susan and Chriss, who have the authority to post without moderation.

When I'm on retreat I always pray for the intentions of my readers and for all the challenges troubling our poor Church and our even poorer world. I look forward to the silence and peace that accompanies these days to seek the Lord's will in my life and for this little media apostolate! My motto for this retreat will be to fulfill the vision of the prophet Micah: to act justly, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with the Lord.

If you have an intentions for which you'd like me to pray, post them in the comment section and I will write them down in my retreat journal and pray throughout the week. I will also leave them in the intention box at the retreat center so you will receive the prayers of the priests who operate the center.

Please pray for me as well. I'm really looking forward to getting away from the barrage of bad news to simply sit and gaze on the face of Christ and seek His will in my life. And what a blessing to have the Tridentine Mass every day. Please also pray for our retreat master, Fr. James Buckley, FSSP, and all my sisters in Christ attending the retreat.


  1. FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, wow. And with an FSSP priest. I wish I had known about that before the 3 day silent Ignatian retreat I just went on. It was good, but I've been hoping for one with with the FSSP priests. Prayer request: Please pray that our son-in-law and daughter-in-law would be open to the Faith. Neither are Christians. Thanks, Mary Ann. May it be a fruitful retreat for you.

  2. Your prayers would be appreciated for Cardinal Pell that he might get a fair trial, for a young man (Frank) who faces a trumped up charge of rape, and for my godson (Tim) that he may recover his faith. And for my salvation.

    Many thanks

    Felix M

  3. That your readers, including this one, will ask to love He who first loved us, seek to find the means, & knock on the door of His Grace for that love to be granted us.

  4. Both my son and daughter-in-law were baptized as children and brought up in church. Now as middle-age adults they have drifted away from the faith and no longer believe, claiming to be agnostics. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work within them to bring them back to the true faith.
    God bless you in your wonderful work.

  5. Mary Ann,

    Please pray for our older sons. We have sent them to public school for their final h.s. year(s) (for various reasons).

    One has a bit of a... well, let's just say learning issue.

    Thank you so much!
    Catechist Kev
