Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Just Wondering...

Why is it that so many who claim they believe that "black lives matter" are all for killing little black babies in the womb.

How come anyone who tries to examine the causes of the Civil War recognizing there was plenty of wrong on both sides of the debate is immediately accused of being in favor of slavery instead of simply wanting an honest appraisal of history?

Why is it that highly paid celebrities who have benefited so much from everything this country has to offer spend so much time trashing it?

How come it's okay to eliminate every Christian religious symbol and tear down every cross on public property, but putting gay symbols on public property and having gay clubs and teaching about what gays do in public schools is perfectly okay?

I said gender ideology is demonic?
You must have misunderstood!
And why on earth would Pope Francis have a gender theory activist, Valeria Fedeli, write the preface to his book on education, Learning to Learn: Reflections on Education Issues? When Fedeli was named Italian Education Minister, "the Italian pro-family group Generazione Famiglia called the decision a 'declaration of war' against the traditional family and the right of children to have a mother and a father." It's not just about Amoris Laetitia any more!

Why is teaching Christianity in public schools banned, but having children kneel toward Mecca or memorize Islamic verses is fine?

Why are Americans who value the "old fashioned" ideals of motherhood and apple pie called deplorables today while those who advocate every perverse and sinful action are presented as open-minded, tolerant, and kind?

What are you "just wondering" about?

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