Monday, November 6, 2017

Bravo for the Young People in Brussels who Protested the Profanation of the Catholic Cathedral

You don't need to understand French to appreciate the importance of what these young people are doing as they pray the rosary in atonement for the profanation of the Catholic cathedral. Pay attention to the difference in the faces -- the masses of mostly elderly people there to celebrate the Protestant revolt vs. the faithful young people.

They were few in number, but so were the apostles, so were those who remained faithful in England after Henry VIII usurped the papal authority to make himself head of the Church in England.
This is no time for Catholics to lose heart. Rather we need to read about the saints who stood firm during times of crisis. Read about the martyrs of the English Church: St. Thomas More, St. John FisherEdmund Campion, Margaret Clitherow. Read about the martyrs of the French Revoluton, including the Catholics of the Vendee who rose up wearing the symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our battle is no less vital than theirs coming as it seems today from within the very center of the Church. Jesus kept Judas in his midst to remind us that even his closest friends might betray him as we see so often today.

Never give up; never give in to discouragement. Defend the faith; encourage the young to be willing to suffer for Holy Mother Church. And pray for the young people who love the faith and are willing to join the army of Christ to defend her, not with violence, but with prayer. The fight against secularism is not just in the world, but in the heart of the Church. Pray and work for restoration!  Read more here and here.

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