Sunday, February 4, 2018

Pray for Priests, Especially the False Shepherds in Danger of Hell

Dymphna has a prayer for unfaithful priests on her blog that I prayed this morning. I invite you to join me. We need our priests desperately for the salvation of our souls. What a blessing when a bad priest repents and returns to the faithful service of his people. What a blessing if we love our priests so deeply and sincerely that we pray and fast and sacrifice for them, especially those most in need of the mercy of God.

Lord Jesus, High Priest and King of Kings, have mercy on us!

Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy and Help of All Christians, pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. FEBRUARY 6, 2018
    Cushingism is the only theology used by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and the Neo Catechumenal Way : this is not the work of the Holy Spirit.
