Wednesday, March 14, 2018

To Pope Francis on his Fifth Anniversary from Eccles is Saved!

Pope Francis celebrated his fifth anniversary as pope on March 13th and, perhaps in recognition, a film is coming out this May called Pope Francis - A Man of His Word. There doesn't appear to be anything facetious about the title, but I have to confess it got me thinking.

Let's see....Pope Francis is a man of his word, but which words? He contradicts himself so often, following him is like watching the ball in a tennis match:

  • Pope Francis, during the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, called for his clergy to be open and transparent and not be afraid to express their views. And yet, how many YEARS has it been since concerned cardinals asked a few questions that required a yes or no answer? And got NO answer! Is that the transparency the pope meant?
  • And then there are his thousands of wonderful words on mercy. Can this possibly be the same pope who suggested young people who love the Tridentine Mass are mentally ill and that orthodox Catholics are rigid and Pharisaical and put the law above compassion (the same accusation pro-aborts level against pro-lifers!). 
  • While attacking those who defend orthodoxy, Pope Francis praises abortionists and has abortion and euthanasia proponents named to Vatican academies. And oh how thrilled they all are over this pope! Which illustrates the scripture promise that the servants will be persecuted like their master. (Wait a minute!)
I could continue, but I'll just give you a link to a long chronological list of troubling papal statements and actions. And now I'll give you an article to help you keep your sanity with a quote borrowed from Creative Minority Report, "We laugh because we believe."

And here's the laugh from the Eccles is Saved satire site. I read it first on Bishop Rene Gracida's website. He is one of my heroes and a man with a wonderful sense of humor and terrific zeal for Holy Mother Church:

Tributes to Pope Francis on his 5th anniversary
Five years ago today, a figure dressed in white came out on the balcony of St Peter's, to be greeted by enthusiastic cries of "Who the heck is that?" Yes, it was Jorge Belgrano Bergoglio, variously described as "St Francis II" (by himself), "The Dictator Pope" (by that rude 16th Century general, Marcantonio Colonna) and "The Great Reformer" (a bit of wishful thinking by little Austen Ivereigh). (Read more here....)

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