Thursday, March 29, 2018

What do you think of this? Sounds like it started as a tornado response in Oklahoma

Looks like it would provide more protection than getting under your desk. Read more here.


  1. Children need "safe rooms" against secular and ideological "education" like that given in government (and, sadly, many private---including many "catholic" schools) propaganda centers pretending to be schools. Real education, not "job training" consist of both spiritual and intellectual formation. Government cannot teach about the meaning of life, the Church, the justice tempered by mercy of Christ and Christianity, about the Beatitudes, about Christianity making possible human progress in liberty. Not teaching Christ potentially creates techno-monsters with no regard for human dignity, the right to life, to real marriage and family, for limited government under moral law that maximizes human potential. Without Christianity we are all sunk, and worse, we suffer the loss of millions more souls---for eternity. "Why are you here? Who created you? What is the meaning of life? What is real and what is not? What are you supposed to do with your life so you can end up in heaven and not hell?" None of this is permitted in government schools, and increasingly will be permitted in private schools that accept government or foundation money!

  2. All arguments for home schooling. But that isn't possible for everyone. What a dilemma! How much we need to pray for parents that they will take their duty to educate seriously and for their children that they will be protected from scandal.

  3. A lot more people can homeschool than do. Working mothers giving up their jobs to homeschool much also benefit other unemployed sole breadwinners.

  4. A nice target would be to make government schools used only as frequently as soup kitchens.
