Sunday, May 6, 2018

Priest Who Ministered to Alfie and His Family Denied Attendance at the Baby's Funeral

Fr. Gabriele Brusco, Alfie's good shepherd
Fr. Gabriele Brusco has been forced out of England by the UK bishops and refused incardination in the Diocese of Westminster. That's what happens when you speak the truth.

And it also appears that Father was an eyewitness to the hospital's dosing the child with the drug cocktail followed by his death two hours later.

Read the report here and please continue to pray for Alfie's family. The bishops' behavior brings to mind another bench of English bishops who bowed to the will of another tyrant.

St. John Fisher, faithful shepherd who died for refusing to cooperate with evil, please pray for all those clerics who walk in the footsteps of Christ.

Lord, Jesus Christ, give us shepherds after your own heart. Remove the false shepherds from our midst! Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us.

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