Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Was Alfie Euthanized with a Drug Cocktail?

Disturbing new details about Alfie's final hours.

What's being reported is that, "Within two hours of being administered a cocktail of unknown drugs, the toddler was dead." According to an Italian website his oxygen level was at 98 before the drugs and quickly dropped to 15 within 30 minutes of the injections. There is some question about whether this is true, although the original article remains on the website. 

The original death plan involved giving Alfie drugs to suppress his respiration so this scenario is certainly plausible. A toxicology screen on the baby ought to be done to see if his death really was "natural" or induced.

And give two big thumbs down to Cardinal Nichols who is now castigating anyone questioning the hospital and talking about what great care Alder Hey provided.  His Liverpool associate Archbishop McMahon who apparently never made one visit or sent a local priest to minister to Alfie's parents is singing the same song. The Italian priest who was providing support to the family was REMOVED leaving them without spiritual consolation. 

As for the "professional care" at Alder Hey read what Benedetta Frigerio writes about the mold in Alfie's ventilator tube and the deliberate failure to feed an already stressed infant for over a day which Tom Evans protested in a press conference. And there were other signs of neglect as well. 

But we're assured by the honorable bishops that the honorable hospital had Alfie's "best interests" at heart, their honorable hearts, of course. 

My take on all this? -- let Alder Hey treat the bishops the way they treated Alfie. The bishops appear to be brain dead after all. And what a scandal they are to the Church!


  1. Has the hospital released Alfie's body?

  2. Google hospitals don't tell you you're on the Liverpool care pathway.

  3. The Catholic Church has clear and authoritative teachings on the subject of euthanasia, but nobody ever refers to them at all. And by "nobody," I don't mean just the people who wanted Alfie dead. The prolifers are the very same way. It isn't a question of mold or antibiotics or drug cocktails or timelines. It isn't necessary to try to balance one set of rights against another. It doesn't matter what Alfie died of; it matters that an innocent human person was killed. Neither hospitals nor judges nor parents "should decide," because God has decided against such forms of intentional homocide already.

  4. "Was Alfie Euthanized with a Drug Cocktail?"

    Of course he was. Yes. The reigning powers that be at Alder Hey are of the same evil as the reigning powers that be yesterday, today and tomorrow.
