Thursday, May 24, 2018

We have our own Alder Hey Hospital in Ohio -- Twin Boys Just Weren't Worth Saving at Riverside in Columbus, Ohio!

It's important to realize that babies as little as this have survived and that 22 week babies often do if they are treated aggressively. But in the culture of death life is cheap so the twins, even the larger and stronger, were simply abandoned. Like Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard in the UK, they weren't worth the effort despite the hospital's own policy to treat babies born at 22 weeks five days.

What is particularly appalling is that the hospital released the mother with a discharge report that was a lie. The children were not "stillborn." One of the twins cried for two and a half hours before dying while staff ignored the mom's pleas for help. "You're going to save him, right?" she begged.

This is the reality of the culture of death, folks -- where preemies are abandoned, the elderly are starved and dehydrated to death, and medical staff give death drugs to sick and depressed patients. Get used to it!

Please share this video far and wide and let Riverside know how you feel about their neglect of these precious little boys. Created Equal sent out a press release about the case you can read here.

And here are a few stories of preemies who survived with care.

Courtney Stensrud's daughter - 21 weeks and four days

Study shows more 22 week babies surviving. Micah Pickerig (below) was born at 22 weeks.

Rethinking the date of viability: Study Brings Preemie Viability Up to 22 Weeks


  1. As sad as this story is, it does not match the brutality of Alder Hey, which kidnapped Alfie from his parents.

    If the pregnancy had been 21 weeks, presumedly you would have been *okay* with the standby treatment? So then we're talking about numbers here.

    But with Alder Hey and Great Ormond, we're talking totalitarian control of parents. The hospitals had no excuse that they were stewarding resources by blocking the parents from taking the child home.

  2. No I wouldn't...21 week babies have survived, but that decision for aggressive treatment would be up to the parents. Babies (a few) have survived at 19 weeks). I think it would depend on the capability of the hospital at that point. Not every hospital has a neonatal unit. But with a mom begging for help for her child, there is no question it should have been given.

    I agree the Alder Hey situation was much worse. There was no question that Alfie was "viable" when they abandoned him and actively pursued his death and may have actually killed him in direct euthanasia, not only neglect.
