Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Please support Fr. Frank Phillips against the Unjust Actions of Cardinal Blase Cupich

Falsely accused traditional priest ousted by Cdl. Cupich appeals to canon law

Last March Fr. Frank Phillips CR, a traditional priest and pastor of St. John Cantius in Chicago, was informed by Cardinal Cupich that, despite being cleared of the charges against him for inappropriate relationships with adult men, he was permanently removed from ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago. This move was no great surprise. Cardinal Cupich's antagonism toward the Tridentine form of the Mass is well known and long-standing. That he would take action against this priest and this parish is consistent with his past behavior. He leaped to judgment when the accusations came out, even informing the secular media. Talk about ruining a good man's reputation!

In view of the number of "homosexuals" in the priesthood, at least one (Fr. Michael Shanahan) ministering openly in Cupich's archdiocese, the accusation against Fr. Phillips is laughable.  According to the website of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Shanahan, despite his public scandal, continues as pastor there. The notorious Fr. Michael Pfleger also ministers in Chicago with apparent impunity. 

Hey, I'm the cardinal and I will do exactly
as I please, canon law or no canon law!
At the same time he was going after Fr. Phillips, Cardinal Cupich sponsored a Lenten series of talks by Fr. James Martin who champions gay pride, homosexual marriage, and looks forward to the day gays can share a kiss at the sign of peace. As my mom always said, "Birds of a feather flock together." Cupich is apparently fine with scandal, dissent, and active homosexual sex which Martin promotes.  It's traditionalism he abhors! What the future holds for St. John Cantius no one really knows, but with Cupich at the helm they better watch their backs!

I want to highlight a few paragraphs from the letter sent to the Cardinal (dated April 29th) by Fr. Phillips canon lawyer announcing Fr. Phillips' intent to appeal with a canon lawsuit following Cupich's determination to ban him from the archdiocese:
Fr. Phillips has been egregiously defamed by his reprobate detractors, including those who have “jumped on the band wagon” ostensibly hoping to have found an opportunity for fraudulent monetary gain.

The damage to Fr. Phillips’ reputation has indeed been compounded by those same wide reaching media reports which have caused and continue to [cause] consternation and astonishment amongst the Christifideles. Hence, it is left to Rev. Fr. Phillips to discern if and what further action should be taken to restore his good name.

On this point, Fr. Phillips suggests and would appreciate drafting any eventual joint communication to the faithful in the Archdiocese, regarding the positive resolution of all contrasts and his status.

However, should Your Eminence not deem the above arguments to carry sufficient weight for the reasonable and justifiable revocation of your March 12th decree, then by these presents Fr. Phillips makes formal hierarchical administrative recourse against your decree of March 12, 2018.
How many of these men are Democrats first
and Catholic second...or third...or 500th?
I don't know Fr. Phillips personally, but I know other priests who have been sliced and diced by their bishops, especially my brother-in-Christ, Fr. James Haley. Every time another McCarrick story hits the media I pray for him. His exposure of the homosexual problem in the Church has been vindicated over and over and over again. He warned about the homosexual crisis years ago and was crucified by Bishops Loverde, God help him.

I hope you will support Fr. Phillips with a donation to his legal defense fund. Fighting for justice isn't cheap and canon lawyers don't work for free. Please help this good priest defend his reputation and return to ministry with prayers and donations to his defense fund. And please pray for Cardinal Cupich. Today is the feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria, doctor of the Church, who fought against another bishop, Nestorius, and his heresy that the Blessed Mother was not the Mother of God. Many of our bishops prowl among us like wolves. We've just seen the wolf McCarrick exposed, but he is only the tip of the iceberg. Two thirds of the bishops covered up the homosexual abuse issue in the Church. How many of them were protecting their own homosexual backsides? 

1 comment:

  1. Great vortex. He does a good job of describing and explaining things very clearly.
