Saturday, August 11, 2018

Donald Wuerl is Beyond Chutzpah! My Jaw Dropped at "The Charter Worked!"

Have your barf bag at hand!

"We all have that statement of commitment."


He's talking, of course, about the Dallas Charter that exempted the bishops while shifting the blame for the crisis to parish priests and the laity.

Men like Wuerl take very literally their title "princes of the Church." And Wuerl is one who lives like a prince in his embassy row penthouse in D.C. 

And now Wuerl's response to the sodomite scandals is what?  To establish a bishops' committee so the wolves bishops can review themselves.

Why bother since he says, "I don't think this is a massive, massive crisis."'s just a little bump in the road and circling the wagons and waiting out the battle has always worked before when multiple bishops were exposed as gay. A review is in order. Here's the short list from Phil Lawler and Catholic Culture:
Retired Bishop Dan Ryan of Springfield, IL. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Retired Bishop Tom Dupre of Springfield, MA. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Retired Bishop Patrick Ziemann of Santa Rosa, CA. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Retired Bishop Kendrick Williams of Lexington, KY. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Retired Bishop Keith Symons of Palm Beach, FL. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Retired Bishop Lawrence Soens of Sioux City, IA. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Robert Lynch, Bishop Emeritus
of St. Petersburg enabled the
the deydration murder of Terri Schiavo.
Retired Bishop Joseph Hart of Cheyenne, WY. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Retired Bishop Anthony O'Connell of Palm Beach, FL. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? Through the offices of the civil justice system. 
Non-Retired Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, FL. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? The papers reported his $100,000 sexual harassment pay-off to his communications flack. 
Retired Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, WI. Did he tell us he was gay? No. Did his brother bishops tell us he was gay? No. Then how did we find out? His lover broke the news on Good Morning America.

Nota bene: this isn't a roster of gay bishops. This isn't even a roster of gay bishops who have misbehaved. This is list of only those gay bishops whose misbehavior has gotten them in trouble with the law – and that so deeply that their proclivities were objectively undeniable. What percentage of the total of gay bishops do they represent? I don't know and you don't know. 
What we do know is that the bishops are not willing to expose themselves. Well, maybe that's a poor choice of words since many (some?) don't mind exposing themselves at all in private and to unwilling victims of their lust.

No, to men like Cardinal Wuerl molesting children and young seminarians isn't a big deal, not a "massive crisis." The crisis to them was the problem of those who were blowing the warning trumpet. But they were easy to deal with. As Bishop Paul Loverde told Fr. James Haley when he brought him proof of homosexual clergy in the Diocese of Arlington. "You have no idea what I can do to you!" and then he did it.

Rembert Weakland continues his
homosexual agitprop in retirement
with his narcissistic autobiography
The point in the interview where I really started spluttering was listening to Wuerl compare Amoris Laetitia to Humanae Vitae. When did Wuerl EVER preach and teach Humanae Vitae? But now he's a true believer? Really -- talk about media spin and public relations twisting. It reminds me of the scene in the exorcist when the girls head literally spins on her spine. The stench of Screwtape and Wormwood filled the Rosica interview.

A rally is being organized for the bishops November meeting in Baltimore. Details aren't available yet, but I plan to be there. I hope many of my readers will be there too. We can't let men like Cardinal Wuerl continue to blow the smoke of Satan without the wind of the Holy Spirit cleaning up the neighborhood. If you're interested and want to coordinate lodging let me know. It would be great to have a group staying at the same hotel and joining for a meet and greet!

As for Thomas Rosica....This is the man who slammed Archbishop Chaput for criticizing Fr. James Martin's homo propaganda book Building a Bridge. He dissents from Church teaching on a number of issues and (surprise!) his hero was gay bishop Gregory Baum who died last year. He is one of the chieftains among the gay promoting clergy.

If you have the stomach for it, watch this episode of The Download at Church Militant TV.


  1. The infiltration of the 'Lavender Mafia' is at this point so profuse that one can hardly call it the 'gay SUBculture' any longer.....there's nothing 'SUB' about it. How ANY of our Catholic priests have been able to survive this infiltration of pervert sodomite predators is really beyond me. We have very few, and we're darned lucky to have THEM! The clerics going along with all this and keeping their silence are either part of the 'club', have something in their past that is 'blackmailable' or are so timid and weak they 'go along to get along'. The Bishops have made MOCKERY out of the Bride of Christ!! They have defiled her beyond recognition. They are crucifying Christ
    ALL. OVER. AGAIN. And they have scattered the flock. These men are no more Christian let alone Catholic Christians than Aleister Crowley was!

  2. Have no desire whatsoever to ever hear or see these so called "princes" (queens) of the Church again.

  3. Can't disagree with a word you wrote! Two thirds of the bishops covered up the scandals so we can expect that two thirds are either homosexual themselves or support the homosexual movement. And that was before Pope Francis started making new bishops and cardinals like champion of homosexuality Blase Cupich. The scandals are by no means over. We either cut out the cancer or watch Holy Mother Church continue to be eaten up by the disease.

  4. The only real voice we have are our weekly contributions. Since the problem is pervasive, and we cannot trust the wolves to police themselves, I propose a shot across the bow. Pick one weekend, preferably a prominent Sunday, in the future and promulgate an abstinence. Everyone abstain from making any contribution at all on that specific Saturday/Sunday to protest the continuing coverup of this scandal. Notify the Bishops that unless visible action is taken to out the perpetrators and their apologists, the abstinence will continue. The Faithful in the pews can divert their funds to a worthwhile charity in their locale, and so advise their Pastor/Bishop. The time for Pray, Pay, and Obey is over. The time for Prayer and abstinence has begun.
    M. Hadro

  5. You are absolutely right, Mike! Although the bishops have their hands so deep in the taxpayers pockets through government grants they might not even notice a parish abstinence.
