Monday, August 27, 2018

The Vigano Atomic Bomb and a Conversation with Fr. James Haley

Father Krysztof Olaf Charamsa worked for the
Vatican until 2015 when he "came out."  How many
others in the homo subculture still work there?
I had a long conversation with Fr. Jim Haley yesterday about the Vigano bombshell [Read the letter here.] We talked about the crisis in the Church and the necessity for all the cancer to be cut out.

How can the exposure of the corruption in the hierarchy not be a vindication of this brave priest?

Fr. Haley lost everything in an attempt to get his bishop, his spiritual father Paul Loverde to do something about the filthy corruption poisoning our Church?

How might things be different if 15 years ago someone in authority had listened to him beginning with Bishop Loverde. After his trial, Father Haley spoke to several bishops who told him nothing would be done about it. A few clergy said the important thing was to get him back into ministry, but he insisted the truth be told. "It will NEVER happen!" he was told.

Long before Bishop Morlino spoke about the "homosexual subculture," Fr. Haley was blowing the warning trumpet. He went to Bishop Keating, Bishop Loverde's predecessor, who asked in Rome during his ad limina visit what he could do about his homosexual priest problem. He left Rome in a body bag.
If your priest is a propagandist for homosexuality,
run, don't walk, in the other direction. Those who
shill for the homo subculture are either
 homosexual themselves or they approve of it. 

Bishop Loverde asked for evidence and when Fr. Haley presented it, not only did the bishop ignore it, he warned his "spiritual son" saying, "You have no idea what I can do to you!" Then he trumped up a case against him and threw him out of his parish with a few hours notice.

The message was sent loud and clear to the diocesan clergy. Shut up or get out! Accept the "homosexual subculture" and bend to its power or be destroyed." Fr. Haley kept silence as instructed until he was deposed in the tragic Lambert case. had to accept the homosexual subculture and bend to its power or be destroyed. So Fr. Haley went into a long and lonely exile.

Responding to a supporter who emailed him recently expressing his thanks and promise of prayers, Father responded:
Thanks for your persistence and prayers, but the Fr. Haley you once knew is dead; "murdered".

(He is currently excommunicated by the Vatican; and has been forcefully dismissed from the priesthood by the Vatican for violating a personal precept of silence. He will now incur another excommunication for violating the Pontifical Secrecy prohibiting him from revealing the above.)
Outside of the fact that those in power in the church (purposely not capitalized) will NEVER allow him back -- too dangerous to the secrecy that allows them to hold power, he cannot now be resurrected unless someone in the Church, where the fullness of Truth in faith and morals is supposed to reside, and from where the Truth is supposed to be proclaimed, answers the moral dilemma/conundrum/scandal of having and supporting same sex attracted priests/bishops/archbishops/cardinals/popes.
Will the revelations coming out bring Fr. Haley back? I have been praying for that for fifteen years! I invite my readers to join me. May God bring back all the good and faithful priests pushed out by the homosexual subculture and the false shepherds! For more on Fr. Haley visit my blog, Bishop Loverde, Where is Fr. James Haley.



  1. I believe the true reason Pope Benedict resigned was that he knew a silent coup had already taken place. He was the face of the Catholic ship. But he was no longer the Captain of that ship. Internally his crew had taken control from him. He gave orders. His crew ignored them. He directed one direction. His crew sailed the other way. They were more than happy to let him stand on the Bridge pretending; it gave them legitimacy while they sailed their own way. At every level of the ship, he had lost control.

    So. He gave them the tiller, and the Bridge was theirs to go wherever they pleased. On their own authority and reputation, not his. Fully exposed now. He went down to the belly of the ship. They came up topside.

    Your example, here, of Fr. Haley is just one of many examples. Orthodox Catholic practice from top to bottom was impossible because the mutineers held all important positions from one end of the Church to the other. If Cardinal McCarick could publically commit pederastic sodomy sins for a lifetime at the top levels and get promoted and protected by the Pope himself as top Cardinal Kingmaker in the Church, what chance does little Fr. Haley have struggling in his little Parish to protect our Lord from sodomy sacrilege?

    No doubt, the only chance our Church ever had to recover was for Pope Benedict XVI, (still reigning btw) to resign from "active" ministry and let the mutineer expose himself to public Catholic judgement. The passengers on the OLS (Our Lord's Ship) Catholic see the new crew and see where they are taking us. We are all on deck, now, very interested, and are quite disturbed that the bright lights of heaven we had been sailing toward are no longer before us, replaced by dark, rocky dangerous shoals and rip-tides with what looks and smells eerily like the sulfuric flames of hell just beyond.

    And now .... a Lieutenant from the prior crew has appeared on deck to pull the curtain back on the new crew's prior mutineering actions and future intentions.

    It will be the passengers that restore the old Captain and his crew. It will be the passengers that demand a new course. The usurping crew cannot resist this force, *IF* the passengers truly wish to go back.

  2. This is so disturbing. What is the new Bishop doing to fix this injustice?

  3. Mary Ann,

    I would suggest Father Haley contact Father John Zuhlsdorf to see what Bishop Morlino would do to help. I certainly, and my wife, would be willing to write that he was a good
    faithful, and orthodox priest while at St. LAWRENCE. Also, such forms of excommunication, when unjustly issued, are nullified and void. He is in our prayers and will receive a glorious crown in heaven.

  4. Mary Ann,
    Those who told Fr. Haley "never" forgot the fact Our Mother Mary has power over evil ones. She can crush them.

    We may not understand the timing but we must never forget who is in charge ultimately. Do not dispair, ever.

    I will pray for Fr. Haley's return to the Sanctuary where he belongs.

  5. Mary Ann,

    Please tell Fr. Haley that ever since I read about his case on your blog years ago I have prayed for him and will continue to do so.

    Today I listened to Fr. Altier's latest homily about this crisis. He said the bishops had a chance after all that was revealed in 2002 - comparing that to being like a mother telling a teenager to clean his room - but they did nothing. After waiting for the child to do the clean up, when he does not, she takes matters into her own hands. And when she does the cleaning, every nook and cranny get her full treatment. We're now at the point where the Blessed Mother has had enough and she's going to clean up. I pray he's right!

    God help us!

    Mary Frances
