Sunday, September 9, 2018

Homosexuality: Behind the Cottage Door

The unbelievably happy home of two homosexuals
* Homosexual Heaven 
is Really Hell 

No teaching of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church is clearer, more pastoral or more logical than that on homosexuality, as presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1997, 2nd Edition). The Catechism makes a firm distinction between homosexual acts and the homosexually oriented persons themselves. It proclaims the eternal truths of Scripture in condemning all such
actions, as follows: 
  • Homosexual acts are acts of grave depravity. 
  • Homosexual acts are objectively disordered. 
  • Homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law because they close the sexual act to the gift of life and do not proceed from a genuine effective and sexual complementarity. 
  • Under no circumstances can homosexual acts be approved.
However, the Catechism also sheds the all-encompassing and unconditional love of God on the persons themselves, as noted below:
  • Homosexual persons must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. 
  • Every sign of unjust discrimination against them must be avoided. 
  • Remember that God loves the person but not the sinful acts they do. 
What could be a fairer, more equitable or more rational analysis of homosexuality than the above statements of Holy Mother Church? Despite this clear teaching, homosexual advocates constantly attempt to disguise the truths of their sinfulness, and present their homosexual lifestyles as warm, loving relationships identical to heterosexual family life. Yet the truth is quite different. A major defining characteristic of homosexual deviancy and abnormality is that it is exactly the opposite of a warm, loving family life.
The cute cozy cottage of two happy lesbians
and their happy children
For homosexuals sexual identity is the single most defining element of their entire personality. Sexual activity dominates their mind constantly to the exclusion of every other human activity. Non-gays never think that way. Gays/lesbians claim their orientation is natural and inborn. Yet any reasonable person can see that it is only natural in the same sense that a person born blind, mentally disabled, deaf, or without fingers, legs or arms can be considered to be naturally born. As the Catechism says, homosexuality is an objective disorder and an aberration from the natural human condition. Their minds are held hostage to the unbridled passions of their loins.

Homosexuals and Lesbians 
as Ultimate Rebels

are ultimate rebels against the God they claim to serve. They refuse to follow God’s rules. As Catholic French novelist Paul Bourget makes evident in his celebrated work Le Demon du Midi (Midlife Crisis), “One must live as one thinks, under pain of sooner or later ending up thinking as one has lived”. Homosexuals cannot think logically nor do they care about truth. By now their moves to justify their sinful actions are familiar ones in the Church: a hard teaching becomes a complex issue, then becomes an object of theological dispute, then becomes a locus of productive tension, then becomes a source of diversity, and finally becomes a new orthodoxy in which - you guessed it - St. Augustine no longer qualifies as a Catholic. 

One of their leading gurus, ex-Paulist priest James Carroll, in his keynote address at a Call to Action conference in Milwaukee once stated: “Truth is not the highest value for us. Which is why the final revelation of Jesus is not about knowing but loving”. So truth does not matter! Immersion in error is fine! Well, at least he is honest that truth is unimportant.

Additionally consider:

  • Swedish lesbian Elizabeth Ohlson Wallin's 1998 photography exhibition of Ecce Homo included a homosexual Jesus surrounded by transvestites and muscular men wearing black leather and chains, Jesus in black stiletto heels surrounded by drag queens as the disciples in a version of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, and a version of the Annunciation in which Mary is portrayed on a bed with a lesbian lover and is handed a test tube for artificial insemination by an angel.
  • Two happy transgender people
    live behind this cottage door
  • A lesbian woman pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church said: “The point of my being a lesbian is that no man is my lord and no man is my master.” 
  • Joe Kramer, an ex-Jesuit, "a charismatic teacher and erotic visionary" and founder of the Body Electric School of Massage in Oakland, CA, in his 1995 article Sexual Healing said, “The (male genital) is the male symbol of the divine. This was what spirituality meant to me. The heart and genitals I call places of love. When these two places are connected, magic starts to happen and we enter into a divine place.” Kramer patterns his notion of his beloved homosexual community after his experience of Jesuit community. He describes the Society of Jesus as “homosexual heaven”, a monogendered society of men where male bonding and spirituality were imprinted upon his consciousness within a subterranean network of Jesuit sexual liaisons and mentoring. He was inspired by the biblical temple prostitutes or whores, both men and women, who were available in ritual spaces as selfless service or spiritual practice. Kramer said, " These were the people you go to when you want to have sex with God."
  • Robert Goss is also an ex-Jesuit priest and prominent gay theologian. He holds a Doctor of Theology degree from Harvard University and is a member of the Interfaith Commission of the National Council of Churches. His first sexual partner, Frank, died of AIDS. He is now actively involved in a second gay relationship with "David". His primary contributions to gay theology from his book Queering Christ (2002) include: Comparing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola with the sex manual The Joy of Sex; and arguing for the spiritual importance of gays having unprotected anal sex without condoms, called skin-on- skin or barebacking, despite the danger of contracting AIDS.
  • Columnist Michelangelo Signorile brought the issue of barebacking to national prominence with a 1997 article in Out magazine. He related a personal incident in which he met a naval officer: “He was a classic gay hunk, tall and masculine, with a buzzed haircut, razor sharp cheekbones, a body of granite, and a Texas drawl. I’ll make you see God tonight, he promised me, trying to coax me to go home with him. It didn’t take much time for me to realize I needed that religious experience”. His confessional experience was reprinted in the New York Times. 
  • Former porn star Scott O’Hara, who died at age 36 of AIDS, said, “communion in the truest sense is in exchanging bodily fluids, not wedding rings”. 
  • Former New Republic editor Andrew Sullivan said, “Gay sexual experiences seem to me almost a sacrament of human existence."
From the above, it can be clearly seen that the invective “homophobia”, meaning “fear of homosexuals” hurled against faithful Catholics by the homosexual community is a false charge entirely without merit. The proper charge would be that orthodox Catholics have a “disgust of homosexual actions”. No wonder that the new Vatican Dictionary describes homosexuality as a condition “without 
any social value”.

Uh oh - look what moved into the neighborhood
If you think that our Church is shielded from such outrageous practices, think again. As current revelations attest, the Church hierarchy has been the particular center of such activity, long active in promoting toleration and acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. The tentacles of this disorder extend to the intimate recesses of diocesan chancery offices to include bishops and cardinals themselves, many pastors, Directors of Seminarians and Vocations, Chancellors, and Diocesan Directors of Religious Education. Not only do these senior officials flaunt their disobedience to the clear teaching of the Church but, in the opinion of many, are actively engaged in such homosexual lifestyles themselves. 

One tiny minuscule example is that in 2003 the Diocese of Orlando welcomed 2002 college graduate Brian Wood to St. Isaac Jogues Church in Orlando as a parish liturgist despite his known commitment to changing the homosexual teaching of our Church. While attending St. John’s College in Minnesota, he was the recipient of a $1,000 award from Dignity/Twin Cities for working for full acceptance of Gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals/Transvestites by the Roman Catholic Church. Today, in 2018, Brian is Director of Music at Nativity Catholic Church in Longwood, FL. 

Multiply that defiant heretical action by the Orlando Catholic Diocese thousands upon thousands - perhaps millions - of times over the past 90 years and the definitive answer is the current sex abuse crisis by homosexual priests, bishops and cardinals in the Church reaching all the way to the Vatican.

Behind the cottage door, indeed.

* This article is from The Orlando Truth and was written by Rudolph Lohse


  1. Wouldn't it be great if Church leadership would replace the sodomite clerics with those they have punished for turning them in?
    Frs Haley, Despard, John Gallagher,Lawson and countless priests who quietly slipped away into the oblivion of the Bishop pervert enabler's files all over the world.

  2. Don't know if I included this story link about Fr Lawson in my comment.

  3. I'm new to reading this blog. I'm not following the purpose of the images in this post - could you please explain? And is the final image meant to indicate a heterosexual couple/family?

  4. @LindseyAlan

    Sometimes, when viewing art, it's best just to ponder; especially when there is a guide to help you along (or author).

    I did not even notice the art until your question. I went back and came up with a number of interesting speculations.

    And that's the difference between art, and an essay.

  5. Hi Lindsey Alan,

    The title of the post is "Homosexuality: Behind the Cottage Door" with the key word in the title being "cottage". A cottage in fairy tales is a sort of magical cozy place where all those living within its walls are so good and happy that they are practically living in heaven.

    Hence the sub-title - "Homosexual Heaven is Really Hell" because the life homosexuals lead truly is not a happy one.

    The first three pictures with their respective captions are meant to show the reader the lie of the current culture, academia, mainstream media and the left when they say that the homosexual lifestyle is perfectly normal, therefore happy and wonderful..

    The final picture of the natural heterosexual couple with their children indicates the opposite, that is, the natural family is to be feared and dreaded while the homosexuals are to be thought good and wonderful and happy.

  6. Appreciate the explanation - thank you.

    I figured it was something like that, it's just very, very ironic considering how that final image is from the ABC hit show now in its 9th season, Modern Family. That's Phil and Claire, and their three kids. Claire's dad, Jay, is divorced from her mom and is married to a much younger, Latina woman (Gloria) who has a kid from a previous relationship. Jay's son, and Claire's brother, is Mitchell. He's gay. He lives with his husband Cam and their adopted daughter. Claire and Phil especially don't care a whit that Mitchell and Cam are gay. (And Mitchell and Cam certainly don't care that Claire and Phil are straight.) They just care that they're happy. It's a multicultural, traditional, modern, straight, gay, hilarious, happy, always-there-for-each-other family.

    So your image narrative there is ironic, is all. Gotta love the beauty of context.


  7. Well, how about that. I never watch TV so here I was thinking I picked a normal natural heterosexual all-American husband and wife/family like the ones in our old Orlando neighborhood when I was growing up - you know...a mom and dad who met in college, fell in love, got married and had three children and lived a normal happy life as normal people in a normal middle class neighborhood.

    Cannot even google a simple entity like "family" and get a normal result these days.

    Think I'll change the picture to what....maybe Ozzie and Harriet.

  8. Changed the picture! Thank you for the information.
