Saturday, October 6, 2018

Creating a New Page for Nabi's Posts

The words of a prophet should burn like the fire that cauterizes a wound after its purification. That is what the words of Nabi do: expose and cut out the putrefaction and cauterize with the truth.

Today I created a separate page, "Nabi Sayeth," listing all the articles to date. If you've missed any of  Nabi's posts you can check them all out on the page listed in the index on the right. Everything Nabi has stated is spot on. We need men like Nabi in every diocese in the country, particularly those heavily infested by the lavender mafia. I hope prophets rise up to expose the filth in Chicago under Bernardin and now Cupich and in New Jersey under Tobin and in Los Angeles under Mahony and his pals. That would be a good beginning, but only a beginning. Check back here often for new listings added to the page. And pray for Holy Mother Church and for Nabi who loves her with heart on fire. (And I'd appreciate a few prayers too.)


  1. Absolutely no Catholic media outlets or blog sites are covering the Opus Dei sex abuse trial in Spain going on right now. The victim was abused for years in an Opus Dei school in Spin by a numerary who regularly sexually abused him for years when taking him out of class under the guise of Spiritual Direction.
    On Mic'd Up and Frank Walker's "stumbling block" the hosts interviewed George Neumayr and they bemoaned media outlets like EWTN, The National Catholic Register and World Over live for failing to report on Wuerl. Neumayr even condemned George Wiegel and Walker mentioned his distrust of the NAPA Institute all while ignoring the elephant in the room which is membership or ownership by Opus Dei.
    Contact Randy Engel for coverage of the trial which is going on now.

  2. Been wondering who and what a Nabi is.

    Went back and checked the original "Thus Spake Nabi" post and read Nabi is "an insider who would expose the Wheeler Dioscese, Bishop and his lavish lifestyle."

    So what is a Nabi? An OT prophet. Outstanding! We need more of these. Here is an interesting link on "Nabi".

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
