Thursday, October 18, 2018

Nabi Sayeth: The Games They Played in the Seminary!

This 2002 exposé burst the
lid off the scandalous goings
on in American seminaries!
Nabi sayeth: To understand the pain that has been inflicted on our people one must look deeply into the causes for such problems, most especially, at the training received by the seminarians who would one day become priests.

And while there are some good schools which are faithful to the Catholic Church’s teachings some have not been so faithful, some have rejected Catholic doctrine.

One of the seminaries used most often and for many years by the diocese in WV is located in Baltimore. And what did many of our seminarians encounter when they entered the doors of this institution in the 70-80’s?
  • Women were permitted to take classes along with the seminarians.
  • The Rosary was not prayed by the seminary community. If one was found to be praying the Rosary regularly one’s vocation could be called into question by the faculty evaluation committee. Yes, there were those whose use of the Rosary was called into question and they were labeled “too traditional” and not psychologically fit.
  • Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was NEVER offered nor taught. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was neither taught nor promoted.
  • The very important two semester course on Church history was taught by a lesbian, ex-Sister who was pro-abortion. She proudly displayed on her office door a full length “N.O.W.” poster.  She refused to teach a most important period in history known as “The period of the Patriarchs.” Why? She once said in class, “When the Church permits me to teach the matriarchs, then I will teach the Patriarchs, self study!”
  • The bread that was used for mass resembled an oatmeal cookie and was not made according to Church regulations (only flour and water). Honey and other additives were used. If a “conservative” bishop visited and did mass, the cookies were hidden and replaced with the traditional communion hosts.
  • Women and a Presbyterian pastor were allowed to preach, a practice forbidden by Church canon law. Someone complained to the Archbishop about the practice and the seminary administrators responded by having the priest who said the mass go to the pulpit at sermon time, say a few words and then move on with the remainder of mass. Then, after Communion had been received, a sister or other non-ordained person went to the pulpit to give a “Reflection” which in theory got around the canon law restriction since it was not preached during sermon time. It was just one big, funny, dishonest game.
  • The traditional faith that seminarians had been taught by their parents and Catholic school or CCD teachers was dashed and crashed. Long held and cherished Catholic teaching was replaced with “theory”.
Donna Steichen's 1992 study
exposed the deadly impact of
raging feminists in the Church.
  • No classes on sin or evil were taught and if a seminarian talked openly about such topics he was subject to psychological evaluation and/or expulsion.
  • Little if anything was taught about Catholic spirituality and the history or lives of the saints.
  • The practice of some of the Sacraments such as Baptism was never taught. There were no classes on the practice of weddings or funerals.
  • And most pathetic of all, the rector (leader) of the seminary once called the senior class in for a special conference. When the seniors had all assembled the rector apologized to them. Why? In his own words, “We taught you to be scholars but not pastors.” This statement was made six weeks before their graduation!
  • Homosexual acting out existed throughout the seminary including escapades involving faculty priests. One priest who taught the required class on “how to say mass” was picked up by police in downtown Baltimore for soliciting a teen boy for sex. He was released and ordered to leave Baltimore. He returned to his home diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, PA where he eventually received the title ‘Monsignor” (My Lord). An Anglican priest on the faculty who taught the Gospel of Mark and who was a citizen of England was caught up in an FBI sting and arrested for the production and distribution of child pornography and deported.
Aware that there were problems in US seminaries, Pope John Paul II ordered an investigation:

September 23, 1981, Page 00016
The New York Times Archives

At the behest of Pope John Paul II, the Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States will announce today that they will assist the Vatican in an investigation of American Catholic seminaries.

As outlined in a letter to bishops and educators from Archbishop John R. Roach, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the study is intended to ''assist them in their ongoing process of renewal'' and aid in ''planning for the future.''

Archbishop Roach said that the study would use standards ''similar to those used by secular and religious accrediting agencies.'' The study was prompted, the letter said, by the Vatican's concern about ''the best use of personnel'' at a time of increasing educational costs.

''The interest of the Holy See,'' Archbishop Roach said, ''will provide for the seminaries the proper universal perspective.'' But the plan, believed to be the first examination of American seminaries ever conducted by the Vatican, has already alarmed some seminary heads who believe the study could result in an attempt to root out dissent and stifle academic freedom, an issue of increasing concern to many Catholic educators.American Catholics will conduct the investigation but the findings will be evaluated by the Vatican. Similar scrutiny of seminaries is taking place in other countries.

Pope John Paul has repeatedly emphasized the necessity for doctrinal conformity and decried what he sees as too much liberalism among some theologians. The most celebrated case involved the Pope's censure of a Swiss theologian, the Rev. Hans Kung, for questioning certain doctrines including papal infallibility.

Several Catholic educators in the United States protested the censure and warned that valid progress in modern biblical and theological understanding might be hampered in the wave of conservatism under Pope John Paul.

Among the issues that reportedly disturb the Vatican about seminary training are the trend toward narrowing distinctions between clergy and laity and diminished regard for the theological views of the hierarchy. Following Vatican Decision The cooperation of the American Bishops in the study appeared to fo llow the Vatican's firm decision, as Archbishop Roach's statement su ggests.

''At the invitation of the Holy See,'' the Archbishop said in his letter, ''acting through the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops asked to collaborate in a study or review of the current status of priestly formation in American seminaries.''

The Pope's role in the study is alluded to as the ''express wish of the Holy Father'' for close collaboration between the Vatican and American church officials.

William Cardinal Baum, the prefect of the Vatican Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, recently visited the United States to complete arrangements for the study. The coordinator will be Bishop John A. Marshall of Vermont, who will report directly to the Vatican.

Heated attacks on the plan were voiced in preliminary meetings between Bishops and seminary educators, but none of the critics who were questioned would permit his name to be used. One seminary head called the effort ''a witch hunt,'' emphasizing that seminary educators had not been consulted and had not asked for such a study. Another educator called it an insult to the integrity of American Catholic seminary training.

There has been growing diversity since the Second Vatican Council gave greater emphasis to the role of individual conscience in deciding religious matters. American Catholics, accustomed to the notion of personal freedom as citizens of a democracy, have been particularly receptive to the teaching on conscience.

Under the influence of the council's stress on greater openness to the world, Catholic scholarship has found new motivation for wider inquiry and debate. Pope John Paul has stated that, in some cases, this tendency has gone too far.

According to one critic of the plan, the study will be used to coerce ''doctrinal orthodoxy'' and to ''scare the hell out of everyone.''

Nabi sayeth: After the seminary investigation was completed, few changes were enacted. Bishop Schulte, who had been a part of the investigative team witnessed the corruption at the school in Baltimore first hand and refused to send his seminarians to that school. His policy remained in place until Bishop Schmitt replaced him as bishop.

When The core of one’s heart-felt faith has been stripped away and replaced by THEORY, then everything else is called into question including one’s morality and sexuality. One moves from a sense of faith with a structure and foundation to a “subjective relativistic” opinion-based, “anything goes” notion of faith.

--> This thinking is dangerous and serves as the reason why MCCarrick, Wuerl, Bransfield and their many minions could behave as they did without guilt, shame or remorse. They became, in essence, functional atheists. The Catholic faithful were left confused. Tragically, the “anything goes” attitude of the clergy led to harm done to our young, especially through sexual abuse.... Stay tuned....

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