Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Our Goal: To Resemble Christ

Published in German in 2012, 
English translation in 2015
Revolutions are meant to overthrow existing order.  Most revolutions are the work of a disgruntled populous and are led and directed by a small circle of people who use the discontent of the masses for their own gain.  The sexual revolution however, is different.  The masses have not called for this, but they have been led by people like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Henri de Saint-Simon, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, C.G. Jung, and Alfred Kinsey to believe that the world no longer needs God or the prohibitions a moral code would put on their passions.
In the book, The Global Sexual Revolution, Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom, author Gabriele Kuby says,
“With the abdication of Napoleon in April 1814, the return of King Louis XVIII, and the rehabilitation of the Jesuits by Pope Pius VII, the first sexual revolution spent some time buried under the ashes of the political restoration.  However, it merely smoldered there for 200 years to become a global conflagration ignited by the strategist of today’s global sexual revolution.
Many great, highly learned, devoutly revered minds have contributed philosophical and psychological ideas, cultural revolutionary expertise, and culture-altering works to the effort.  …………. The all had one thing in common:  rejection, if not outright hatred, of the Catholic Church, because this church never stops preaching the message of Christ:  If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15)
The Church has stood in their way, preaching the unchanging message of God in an ever-changing world.” 
In his sermon at St. Veronica parish on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Fr. Robert Wagner said this about those tragic victims of hatred,
“We recognize these infants as martyrs. They are witnesses to the faith not for anything that they did, but for what they represent. These infants were killed because they were mistaken for Christ Jesus. They were persecuted because they resembled him.  Blessed are we when we resemble our Lord and are persecuted for his sake. We resemble him when we live by his commands and immerse ourselves in his truth.
“When we do live like Jesus, when we imitate him, we should expect rejection and persecution. We should expect people to disagree with us, to call us names, to fight against us, to destroy our reputations. Because from the time Christ entered the world, he brought conflict.
“Behold, this child is destined to be a sign that will be contradicted,” said Simeon at the presentation in the Temple.  “I did not come to bring peace, but the sword,” said Jesus to his followers.
And this may seem bleak. And when we look at the destruction left in Christ's wake in Bethlehem, it may seem foolish to follow him at all.  And yet we know that is where our peace lies. That is where our joy lies. Even amidst the persecution and rejection, we find comfort.  Let us always seek the Lord who is our strength and our peace. And let us never fear the sword that comes when we are mistaken for him because we are his disciples.”
More and more every day Catholics are being criticized and mocked for what we believe and how we insist on living our lives.  This will only get worse.  Right now we have an ally in the White House.  We can only hope and pray he wins again in 2020.  In the meantime, we should never forget the words of St. Thomas Aquinas:
“The perfection of spiritual strength consists properly in a man’s daring to confess the faith of Christ in the presence of anyone at all, and in a man’s not failing to do so from fear or confusion, for strength drives out inordinate fear.  Therefore, the sacrament by which spiritual strength is conferred on the one born again makes him in some sense a front-line fighter for the faith of Christ.”
Gabriele Kuby
Note:  The book mentioned above was cited by John-Henry Weston of Lifesite News in a recent speech.  I bought it immediately and have read enough to HIGHLY recommend it.  If you aren't familiar with the author, take a peek at this short video.  There are many other videos of her on You Tube, but I selected this one because it is very brief and gives you a picture of who is writing this book.  As a Catholic adult, you can't afford to NOT KNOW what is in this book.  

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately people do not realize the depth of pederast crisis either.
    Mrs Engel has tried to explain how clerical pederast abuse ,especially of adolescent males, is propagating a rise in males who believe themselves to actually be homosexuals after suffering this trauma. If you ever wondered why the numbers of males who identify as "gay" ( aside from being confirmed in this false gender identity by media and curricula ) and understand this.
    It certainly explains why this is one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance and why we see what appears to be God's retribution falling down upon the institutional church and the world.
    These men are soul killers.
