Saturday, February 16, 2019

Breaking News: Laicization for McCarrick

From "Cardinal McCarrick" to Mr. McCarrick

Let us all pray for the mighty prince of perversion. He is, at this moment facing a cold reality like Cardinal Wolsey who died the banished lackey of King Henry VIII. As he lay dying, Wolsey showed signs of repentance. Let us pray that Teddy McCarrick does the same:
On 29th November 1530, Cardinal Wolsey died at Leicester Abbey while travelling to London to be tried for high treason. He’d been suffering from dysentery for a couple of weeks but his health had declined by 26th November and when he arrived at Leicester Abbey he told the Father Abbott “I ame come hether to leave my bones among you”.
 After making his final confession on the morning of 29th November 1530, the man who had once been King Henry VIII’s right hand man uttered his final words. It is a long speech but I wanted to share all of it with you as it shows what was on the mind of this man as he faced death: 
Wolsey being helped into Leicester Abbey where he died.
“I see the matter against me how it is framed; but if I had served God as diligently as I have done the king, he would not have given me over in my grey hairs. Howbeit this is the just reward that I must receive for my worldly diligence and pains that I have had to do him service; only to satisfy his vain pleasure, not regarding my godly duty. Wherefore I pray you, with all my heart, to have me most humbly commended unto his royal majesty; beseeching him in my behalf to call to his most gracious remembrance all matters proceeding between him and me from the beginning of the world unto this day, and the progress of the game: and most chiefly in the weighty matter yet depending; (meaning the matter newly began between him and good Queen Katherine) then shall his conscience declare, whether I have offended him or no. [from the Anne Boleyn Files]

1 comment:

  1. McCarrick will be dropped like a hot potato by the powers that be since he is now of no use to them, just like Hillary is no longer useful to the powerful elite who would have used her for their own gain had she been elected president.
