Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Program for the Sex Abuse Summit Explains It All For You...

...and it's no wonder the pope said to lower your expectations!

As you read the program for the sex summit at the end of the post, note the 3 hour lunch breaks. Must be hard to find food in Rome! And then they come back for a 45 minute presentation and...what next?...a 20 minute coffee break! Guess they need time to walk around after that big lunch so they don't fall asleep listening to the riveting talks by folks like Cardinal Marx, a one-man Church wrecking ball. Really, folks, all indications are that this is one more game that pretends to be addressing an issue while sweeping the real problem under the rug. And it begins with Cupich, a major organizer of this smoke-blowing summit.

One Mad Mom is hot over this ridiculous event and really pegs it when she writes:

So let’s review. The heads of the bishops’ conferences got on a plane to Rome to hear four and a half hours of presentations followed by not even six hours of “working groups.” People! Some of those bishops took longer to travel there than that! For heaven’s sake. Synod on this, that or the other thing goes on for weeks and THE biggest crisis in modern Church history gets about eleven hours of work time??? Un-be-lieve-able! And there’s nothing new we haven’t heard to death. If the laity isn’t upset about this crud, there’s NO moving them....
I realize that this whole meeting is supposed to be some giant bone but it’s not going to do and we won’t let this die. We want the faithful protected.  We don’t want a defrocked cardinal and a pat on the head. Fix the morality problem in the Church and bolster it with authentic Church teaching and you just might get somewhere...Listen to the doctors of the Church and maybe just try what they said for a change.  What a novel thought!  Drop the politically correct hooey and get back to TRUTH! #CupichResignNow
And, as she points out, nary a word related to the USCCB agenda nixed by the pope last November at their fall meeting. Down the memory hole! 

Here's my suggestion. When you get the squeeze to give to your bishop's Lenten Appeal put a few cotton balls in the collection with a note saying, "We've been fleeced enough!" And then consider a worthy alternative. My husband and I plan to donate our BLA contribution to the FSSP's Guadalupe Seminary. Maybe if vocations dry up in dioceses, bishops will bring in these "missionary" priests to restore reverence to the liturgy and doctrine to sermons. Wouldn't that be refreshing? [Note to friends of Fr. James Buckley -- look for him in the video.] Other suggestions: Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma or the Carmelite Abbey in Cody, Wyoming. 


The Protection of Minors in the Church

The meeting takes place at the Aula Nuova del Sinodo
21-24 February 2019


9.00Opening prayer
Video testimonial
Introduction by the Holy Father
9.301st PRESENTATION by Sig. Card. Luis Antonio Tagle:
Smell of the sheep. Knowing their pain and healing their wounds is at the heart of the shepherd's task
10.152nd PRESENTATION S.E. Mons. Charles Jude Scicluna:
Church as field hospital. Taking responsibility
11.00Coffee break
11.20Working Groups
16.003rd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Rubén Salazar Gómez:
The Church in a moment of crisis - Facing conflicts and tensions and acting decisively
16.45Coffee break
17.05Working Groups
18.00Presentation of Group Work
18.55Final remarks
19.05Prayer with testimony


9.00Opening prayer
9.151st PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Oswald Gracias:
Collegiality: sent together
10.002nd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Blase Joseph Cupich:
Synodality: jointly responsible
10.45Coffee break
11.05Working Groups
16.003rd PRESENTATION Dott.ssa Linda Ghisoni:
Communio: to work together
16.45Coffee break
17.05Working Groups
18.00Presentation of Group Work
18.55Final remarks
19.05Prayer with testimony


9.00Opening prayer
9.151st PRESENTATION Sup. Gen. Sr. Veronica Openibo, SHCJ:
Openess: sent out into the world
10.002nd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Reinhard Marx:
Transparency in a community of believers
10.45Coffee break
11.05Working Groups
16.003rd PRESENTATION Dott.ssa Valentina Alazraki:
Communication: to all people
16.40Coffee break
17.30Penitential liturgy (Sala Regia)


9.30Eucharistic celebration (Sala Regia)

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