Monday, February 4, 2019

Wouldn't You Like to See All Nuns in Habits Again?...

...Instead of permed in pantsuits and pearls spouting dissent? I enjoyed this video about the nuns' habits but it made me sad as well. Think of what's been lost. When sisters shed the habits, they lost much else besides (Some threw off the faith along with it.) -- especially the sign value to the world of the consecrated life that puts Christ above all!

I used to have several nun dolls (before Vatican II) and I'm going to start looking for them when I'm out at thrift shops. For kids who never see a real nun, only faux imitations like Sr. Joan Chittister and the nuns on the bus, the dolls can be a learning tool. And they bring back so many fond memories of nuns in my own life. RIP Sr. Joanna, Sr. Avila, Sr. Germella, Sr. Jeanne Marie, and Sr. Joan Marie. Thanks for the smile when I think of your speech class, Sr. Marion Rita. Most of us were terrified of you and that was probably a healthy thing.

I'm raising my coffee cup this morning to those nuns who continue to wear their habits as a witness to the world of their dedication to Christ and his people. Join me in praising...





Sr. Joan Chittister, heretic extraordinaire!

And here's the history (video below) from my own high school order, the Sisters of Mercy. I attended Gwynedd Mercy Academy in Gwynedd Valley, PA., class of 1965. Thank you, sisters. Several in this photo taught me. Sr. Jeanne Marie on the bottom step was one of my favorites.

 I loved Mercy and the great education I received there. I hope the school retains the gospel values it had in the 1960s. Unfortunately, I doubt it. Sadly, they didn't retain the habit, and I think they shed much truth along with it. Frankly, I couldn't support the order today. Take a look at their social advocacy page and note the complete absence of concern for the paramount human rights violation of our day -- the murder of little unborn women. You're more likely to find the Mercy nuns on the bus pushing an agenda based on prudential judgment rather than in the Church adoring Our Blessed Lord or offering assistance to women facing abortion.

I stopped contributing to Gwynedd Mercy Academy when they honored Senator Arlen Specter, a champion of child killing. I called the alumnae office at the time and expressed my deep concern. But money talks and Specter was a financial supporter as well as a source for PR. Hey, when the senator comes to your fundraiser, the media will cover it. I saw those little games when our sons attended Bishop Ireton in Alexandria. The principal and his staff fawned over "Catholic" pro-abortion mayor, later Congressman, Jim Moran. Can't offend Mr. Money Bags.

Today I'm praying for all the dear nuns I had a Mercy, many of whom have died, and for a few nuns I remember with a shudder. May God pour his graces out on the Sisters of Mercy that they might return to orthodoxy and becoe examples of heroic virtue to a world that no longer values the truth, only what's politically correct. Our Lady of Life, pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry. Now that Francis has made friends with Islam, all this dialogue that Francis call for will result in nuns being forced to wear the veil so as not to be offensive.
