Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Don Ber-GOG-lio and his Kingdom of Magog

Watch as Don Bergoglio rudely pulls back his hand so that the faithful may not kiss the Papal ring. That he wants the Church to be run by synodality and not the Papacy is clear. That he is insolent and crass also is clear, so clear that I'm beginning to think the "gog" in his name is a warning that he is Gog and his Kingdom of Magog soon may appear on the horizon. Already it seems a thousand years that Bergoglio has reigned over Christ's Church making good into evil and evil into good. How soon before the final battle?

Sign of respect to the Godfather vs respect to the Papacy


  1. So what happened to that "tenderness"and "smell of the sheep" schticks about which he flapped his gums?

  2. He could just take off the ring if he thinks it is only part of his costume.

    BUT, it is important that he still looks like a pope on the outside to pull off the changes he wants to make inside the Church.

    Let's just remember, Christ appointed Peter, not a committee of opinions and voices.

  3. Nice. I’d go with Gog and Bergog.

  4. First it was reported to Reuters that one of his aides said that 'Sometimes he likes to let people kiss his ring, and sometimes he doesn''s as simple as that.' Then it was reported later (probably after receiving much flack), that he didn't want to pass around any germs...LOL!! I've never heard a more idiotic my LIFE!! He didn't mind at the beginning of the 'meet and greet' if he passed germs around or not, but then he did?....Right!!

  5. Apropos the Bergoglio's "hand to hand" game:
    Loreto is the sanctuary of the House of Nazareth owned by the Holy Family. The lady of this house is the Blessed Virgin Herself and by exposing this rude behavior of this guy from the end of the world, She shows us that he is non-pope. The honor of the master of the house is fulfilled by Pope Sixtus V in the bronze monument welcoming pilgrims at the entrance to Loreto's basilica. This great benefactor of this sanctuary was called the "iron pope", because to restore order in Rome and the Papal States, he sentenced thousands of bandits and clergy along with their lovers to the gallows. He belonged to the Franciscan order, so the true Francis appears in the background. The Franciscan Sixtus V, the Iron Pope, is an excellent prefiguration of the One "who was to rule all nations with an iron rod" [Reveletian 12, 5b] - that usurper in Vatican will not escape attention of the Paraclete.
    Like Sixtus V in Piazza Madonna in Loreto, the Paraclete awaits his own, this little remnant, outside the collapsing Roman Catholic church - He will lead them to the Kingdom of God on earth. We have to ask Our Lord to reveal the Paraclete and shorten the time of tribulations.
