Saturday, April 27, 2019

Why do Catholic Schools Give Platforms to the Enemies of Life? Sign the Petition!

Would this little one have grown
up to be a student at St. Mary's?
It's baffling. Even the bishops say that speakers who violate Catholic truth should not be honored or given platforms at Catholic institutions. The Task Force on Catholic Bishops and Catholic Politicians wrote this in 2004:
We affirmed that the Catholic community and Catholic institutions should “not honor” those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. The Task Force plans to consult with leaders in Catholic education, Catholic health care, and Catholic social services to discuss how we can together best carry out this guidance.
But they still do it, don't they?

What could possibly have possessed Mount St. Mary's in Emmitsburg to invite Mark Shriver who has a 100% positive rating from NARAL one of the most extreme abortion groups in the country? Shriver advocates the murder of babies some of whom would grow up to be college students one day, perhaps at St. Mary's. What kind of insanity is it to support killing off future admissions? And that's what they do no matter how much they rosy up the picture by claiming pro-aborts are being invited because of their other policies. Hey, Mussolini got the trains to run on time. Hitler restored pride to the German people. Don't be such a spoil sport.

I can only think that people like President Timothy Trainor don't really believe babies in the womb are equal to the rest of us. Would he invite Shriver if the man advocated killing college presidents and their families? What if he supported killing off 18-year-old high school graduates who were college bound? Is there anything that would disqualify Shriver as a speaker?

Well, perhaps being a climate-change denier might do it.

Sign the petition to the Mount and pass it on. Commencement is May 11th. Before then every Catholic with a heart for the unborn should join in protesting this abomination.

1 comment:

  1. What might have possessed the Mount to invite Shriver? I think I can answer that in one word - Enzler. He is the current president of DC Catholic Charities. When he was pastor of Blessed Sacrament, he approved of Chris Matthews coming in for a book-signing. Many of us picketed that. Just search his name on my blog. He is on the Mount's Board of Trustees.
