Monday, June 3, 2019

More Crazy Ideas from the Left! This one is good for a Monday morning guffaw!

Christina Cauterucci looking for her lost brain. 
The hate Donald Trump crowd has tried it all: fake Russian collusion hoax, deep state treason, attacking cabinet members (literally) at restaurants and movie theaters, etc. What's next on the agenda?

The Grandkid strike! according to lesbian Slate author, Christina Cauterucci who's married to a woman who dresses like a man.

Really! I'm not kidding. The subtitle on the article at Slate is, get this:

"Here’s an idea! Change your parents’ bad voting habits by refusing to breed."

Now, really, if one of my children suggested this, I would laugh and say. "Goodness, maybe the world will be better off if you don't "breed." I hate to think of the ramifications for the little ones if you do!

Here's how Christina's thought process (If one can call it "thought") goes (my comments in red):
The parent who will die if her adult child does not procreate with haste is one reductive stereotype that’s almost entirely based in truth.... [Really? Does Christina actually know anything about truth?]

But for the children of those would-be grandparents, having kids of their own is becoming a less and less attractive option....Bringing a new set of chubby cheeks...into the world is the most destructive thing one couple can do to the planet. It seems certain that today’s babies will be tomorrow’s survivors of famine, water shortages, unprecedented natural disasters, and refugee crises. [She's read too much Paul Ehrlich, the debunked bug scientist who wrote The Population Bomb IN THE 1960s!]
...One person’s decision to have a child or not have a child won’t make the difference between cool breezes and boiling seas. But you know what could make that difference? Lots of people dangling their potential future snugglebugs in front of the noses of their right-wing, centrist, or politically complacent parents to cajole them into supporting policies and candidates that have a hope of redeeming this planet before it becomes one big overheated sandbox (not the fun kind!). [Now she's channeling Malthus, who predicted in the 18th century that we'd all be drowning in horse manure, etc. and Margaret Sanger with their doomsday scenarios about overpopulation.]  
Just imagine: Your Republican parents are lukewarm on Donald Trump but will probably support his reelection, or maybe they’re Democrats who’ve sworn they’ll never elect a “socialist.” ...You sit them down and break the news: [Here it comes....] You’re not going to make any grandchildren anytime soon. [Uh, Christina, you and your "partner" will NEVER make any grandchildren together!] It’s too expensive, ...It’s an impossible burden, what with our underfunded and shamefully segregated public education system, your own stagnant wages, and our nation’s failures on paid family leave and affordable child care. It’s a huge risk to have a child on purpose when you know you may be forced to bear another against your will, at any time, if the Supreme Court guts Roe v. Wade. [I knew she'd get the abortion angle in at some point!] It’s unethical, what with climate change and all. And it’s too dangerous—you’ve seen the news reports on school shootings and know how easy it is for violent men to get their hands on guns.
She goes on in this vein saying prospective grandparents should take a selfie in the voting booth to prove they caved into the baby blackmail. And for those liberals who want to demand more, they should require parents to fund liberal groups of the blackmailer's choice and lobby for things with which they disagree.

This is totalitarian Big Sister on steroids! Respect for the beliefs and integrity of others? Hell no! And I mean that literally since hell demands that good not only accept, but approve of evil. Today's feast day of Charles Lwanga and companions illustrates that in spades!

Well...You have to consider the source, of course. Cauterucci is a lesbian Slate writer whose outrageous articles are legion. Perhaps this one is an outrageous joke, but she is, in fact, crazy enough to mean it. A few weeks ago she stepped in doo-doo and earned the condemnation of her own LGBTQ crowd with an article questioning whether Pete Buttigieg is "gay enough" to be the first gay president. He is the hated....wait for it.... WHITE MALE, after all. The comments on her Twitter account ranged from polite disagreement to scorched earth attacks.

The sad thing is that Christina is a reasonably good writer. She could do great things with her talent. Unfortunately, she can't think. In fact, this article is nothing but rehashed nonsense from the liberal playbook. It can amuse with its silliness, but the light of truth is glaringly missing. Where sin abounds, stupidity reigns.

I hope you'll join me in praying for Christina. I read her article before going to daily Mass and prayed for her there.

And now in honor of Christina and all those like-minded millennials -- the song for the day.


  1. Pray for her, indeed we should. I would bet money she's a baptized Catholic.

    With just a little digging I believe her grandfather was Vincent Cauterucci, one of 11 children, whose funeral was held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church.

    Christina's father is Frank Cauterucci, one of 7 kids and His address is Bedford, NH.

    Christina is a graduate of Georgetown U. In DC.

    Clearly something happened in this woman's life to make her reject the salvation that was made available to her and to choose, because it was just that, a CHOICE, a path forward straight into hell.
