Monday, June 24, 2019

Reflecting on the Upcoming Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Scourging by Rubens
While I was on retreat, I kept thinking about Mel Gibson's film, The Passion of the Christ. The third week of the Spiritual Exercises consists of meditating on Jesus' suffering and death. As I was reflecting on the events of the passion, I kept seeing images from the movie. The slow motion scene of Veronica ministering to Christ especially came to mind because I was also reading Cardinal Sarah's The Power of Silence. There was Veronica in the midst of all that turmoil and chaos perfectly silent and at peace as she reached out to Christ in love and compassion. The Roman soldiers didn't exist for her at that moment. It was as if she lived in another dimension of silence, her eyes and whole attention focused on the face of Christ. Yes, true internal silence can reign in our hearts in the midst of exterior tumult!

Yesterday someone sent me a powerful video interview with Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Christ in the film. That movie was a life changing event for so many. I think I will watch it again on the Feast of the Sacred Heart this Friday. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart make my heart like unto Thine. Make me, in the words of St. Teresa of Avila, a "burning furnace of charity."

Jesus poured out every drop of His blood for ME, to save ME from my many make it possible for ME to be with Him one day in heaven. What have I ever done for Him?

St. Ignatius wants us to be moved to tears when we see the sufferings of Christ. He wants ME to  realize how MY sins drove the nails into His hands and feet. MY sins fueled the rage that drove the horrible flagrum into Christ's body. MY sins pounded the thorns into his Sacred Head. MY sins mocked and insulted Him as he hung on the cross. MY sins added to the sorrows of Mary and wounded her Immaculate Heart.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me and on the whole world.

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