Friday, August 16, 2019

Globalism is Newspeak for Communism

Soon it will be too late to whine and complain at what the pit vipers have accomplished, slithering into place ready to strike, while we were in a trance watching TV. How can we not know what's going on? (Think football and the Communist sympathizers not standing for the National Anthem) Can't we see the hatred? (The now cancelled movie The Hunt) The progress? (From Cuba to now Venezuela and most recently - today - Hong Kong) The eradication of all borders in America and Europe? (Globalism) Have we lost our eyesight? Can't hear? Don't care? Think nothing will ever happen here in America? Spoiler alert: the revolution is happening right now as you read this.

President Trump is the one person standing in the way of our total destruction, and it's time we realized that but for him and the half of the US citizens who voted for him, we would now be living in a Clinton Globalist Socialist Marxist hell. What would that look like? Because it is the same pit viper of wickedness, it would be exactly like the bloody 1789-1799 French Revolution, the vicious Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. Under the leadership of General Francisco Franco, only Spain defeated the Communists, which is why Franco's name has been forever smeared by the Left. Franco defeated them, therefore he must be eternally vilified, just as today the Left vilifies President Trump. Trump won therefore, like Franco, he must be hated and vilified by the Left. President Trump won by Divine Providence, and don't ever forget that and what it means, i.e., that it bought us time which must not be wasted.

For too long we have lived in ease and prosperity ignoring the evil in hardened hearts aimed on our destruction. Watch this stunning 9 minute video of the (now accomplished) Communist infiltration of the Democratic Party in the USA. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib are the most obvious card-carrying, dues-paying pit vipers of the Democrat Socialists of America, yet they ran as "Democrats" and won, playing on the ignorance of ordinary US citizens.

Maria Svart, head of America’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) makes key points during a global Marxist gathering held in April 2019 at the EU Parliament in Brussels:

- Reveals plans to impose socialism in America (" take over Institutions", 5:24 and "bloodsuckers", 6:15) - There are 56,000 DSA members, up from 5,000 a few years ago - Seventy-five dues-paying DSA members hold Local, State and National office and there are many more DSA-friendly elected officials (The City Council of Chicago, the 3rd largest city in the US, now has a DSA majority, therefore a socialist voting block) - Svart brags about DSA mobilizing to push Amazon out of New York - Socialists run as "Democrats" to deceive Americans - DSA members are deliberately infiltrating institutions and political infrastructure (DSA pit vipers are teachers; note their pamphlet Why Socialists Should Become Teachers)
- DSA's influence on Teen Vogue's recent vulgarity on anal sex, 7:49


  1. Wow...Saul Alinsky would be proud. Thanks and God bless you!

  2. Your post was very informative and timely. A four star post for its content.
    The facts about the Democrat Socialists were good and useful.
    Your facts about communism were right on target.
    Your praise for Franco was surprising and refreshing.The 'civil' war in SPain(1936)was
    not a civil war but a war by the Kremlin to take over Spain as they took over the
    Eastern European countries.Franco to his credit did not trust the USA with FDR's
    relationship with "uncle Joe" Stalin.Franco was one of the few world leaders who knew
    what the communists were up to.Other world leaders who knew the communist plan were
    Pius XII,Gen.MacArther,and Gen.Patton.
    The Spanish people,the ungrateful wretches,want to dig up Franco's body,which is
    buried in the Valley of the Fallen basilica and put it out of sight and out of
    mind.Spain must have the same left wing press as we have here.
