Sunday, October 20, 2019

Deep Purple and llama Fetuses

Each Deep Purple video represents one of three stages of the Catholic Church - before Vatican II, after Vatican II, and now under Bergoglio for the past 6 years and into the future after his Synod on the Amazon.

Video I 
Before Vatican II
Deep Purple by Larry Clinton and his orchestra, with vocalist Peggy Mann, 1939
Lovely, beautiful, refined. Sung the way it's supposed to be sung.

Video II
After Vatican II
Deep Purple sung by April Stevens and Nino Tempo, 1963
Same song, updated, more contemporary. We can tell it's the same song containing the same lyrics. 
We don't feel too uncomfortable because we can still understand the words and their meaning.

Video III
Past 6 years under Bergoglio and into the future
Deep Purple singing Chasing Shadows
See what happened there? We see the name "Deep Purple" but it isn't the old song, Deep Purple. 

Here "Deep Purple" is the name of the group singing a different song altogether - Chasing ShadowsNot only is Chasing Shadows not Deep Purple, but there are no lyrics and its melody is disoriented like everyone is on LSD or Mescaline. How are we to understand this, especially accompanied by the picture of Hell by Hieronymus Bosch?

The only good thing is that if one listens to this music while actually on LSD and looking at the picture, one will understand. Understand what? Well, that this is not the old Deep Purple, it doesn't even resemble it at all. Instead it's Bergoglio and his Deep Lavender Cardinals singing Chasing Shadows. Not. the. same. at. all. The first Deep Purple is Heavenly. The second is sort of like Purgatory. But the third one? The third one leads to what is pictured on the album cover - Hell. The name "Deep Purple" is just written on it to fool people into thinking that it's the same beloved old song. 

But look! Look closely at the picture. Do you see the llama fetuses being sacrificed to Pachamama? Word has it that llama fetuses are only used for small homes, while humans are used for larger constructions such as apartment buildings.

Humans? Would that be baby humans? From abortions? In South America? By REPAM and the Ford Foundation


  1. This is a good way to visualize the spiritual reality affecting society as a whole. Art expresses the desires of the heart. From the overflow of our heart comes song, dance, paintings, literature.

    We see it on a small scale as a personal barometer of the state of our soul: what art do we ourselves enjoy?

    We see it on the macro scale as a societal barometer of the state of our cultural soul: what art to we as a people produce, purchase, create?

    It is a mathematical law: who we are is reflected by what we do. We can observe the barometer and objectively know we are not as we ought to be, and “repent in sackcloth and ashes” individually and culturally. Or we can simply not care as the barometer falls and the storm clouds gather. The transition you describe here is a falling barometer and a stark warning that something is amiss in our national soul.

    Fulton Sheen, Archbishop and Prophet foresaw our decline and warned us of our inability to see, absent active faith:

    “It is characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unaware of the tragedy.

    Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives.

    Men do not want to believe that their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times. If there is no fixed concept of justice, how shall men know it is violated?

    Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on, because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.”

  2. This is a good way to visualize the spiritual reality affecting society as a whole. Art expresses the desires of the heart. From the overflow of our heart comes song, dance, paintings, literature.

    We see it on a small scale as a personal barometer of the state of our soul: what art do we ourselves enjoy?

    We see it on the macro scale as a societal barometer of the state of our cultural soul: what art to we as a people produce, purchase, create?

    It is a mathematical law: who we are is reflected by what we do. We can observe the barometer and objectively know we are not as we ought to be, and “repent in sackcloth and ashes” individually and culturally. Or we can simply not care as the barometer falls and the storm clouds gather. The transition you describe here is a falling barometer and a stark warning that something is amiss in our national soul.

    Fulton Sheen, Archbishop and Prophet foresaw our decline and warned us of our inability to see, absent active faith:

    “It is characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unaware of the tragedy.

    Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives.

    Men do not want to believe that their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times. If there is no fixed concept of justice, how shall men know it is violated?

    Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on, because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.”
