Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Some Good News for Tuesday Morning! Bad News for Joe Biden; Good News for Nick Sandmann!

But I'm a devout Catholic!
A Catholic priest in Florence, SC, Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church,  refused Joe Biden Communion at Mass on Sunday.

Joe Biden Denied Communion over Abortion Views (Washington Times)

As the pope often reminds us, the Church is a field hospital for sinners.

What doctor gives a patient a medicine he knows will make his condition much worse and might even kill him? To receive Communion in the state of mortal sin is a sacrilege which St. Paul warned against. No one may consume the Body and Blood of Christ while he thumbs his nose at Christ's laws without endangering his soul. Under canon 915 a person who commits manifest grave sins (like politicians who publicly endorse abortion) may not be given Holy Communion. A priest who does so, commits a serious sacrilege himself. Joe Biden clearly falls in that category. Not only is he radically pro-abortion but he officiated at the "marriage" of a same sex couple. He can call himself a Catholic, even a devout Catholic, but that just illustrates that he's a liar extraordinaire. He's publicly advocated this abomination since 2012!

View image on Twitter
Joe officiates at "wedding" of two White House staffers and
tweets about it August 1, 2016, archived at ABC news. 
Many clergy ignore canon 915 at their personal peril. Fr. Morey did not. Good for him and for "Uncle Joe" who needs to know what serious danger his ambition puts him in. For what does it profit a man if he becomes president at the cost of his own soul! Pray for Joe and especially for Fr. Morey! We need more priests like him!

You can send Father a note of thanks at

More good news!

Judge reopens Covington Catholic High student's defamation suit against Washington Post

The same judge who initially dismissed the claims against the paper because they never mentioned Sandmann by name is now allowing discovery because of the clear implications of the photos and videos accompanying the story. You can read the judge's ruling here. Note that he's a liberal judge appointed by Jimmy Carter and no real friend of free speech rights. (See here.) Pray that Nick Sandmann finally gets justice.


  1. Thanks Mary Ann we needed some good news today especially
    after the Wash Post Obit on the death of the Christian killer "...austere religious scholar" ,
    Bag a daddy......

  2. Tried sending email to address given...Unsuccessful, I suspect because we are in West Australia. Is it Possible to pass our support and Prayers to Father?

  3. I will let him know, Geoff. I'll send him the link to the blog post so if anybody who has a problem with the email and wants to leave a message here I'll pass it along.

  4. I'm very grateful for Fr. Morey's refusal to give Joe Biden Communion because of his persistent promotion or abortion -- the destruction of innocent life. I hope Biden realizes that the good pastor was trying to prevent him from serious sin. Hopefully, Mr. Biden and other ill-informed and dissenting Catholics will reflect upon this and repent. Among our two chapters of Catholic Allies in Truth plus other like-minded in the laity in three different states, we have nearly 200 members and allies who I am certain would agree. I wish the Catholic pundits on TV would share that Rev. Morey saved Mr. Biden from adding on yet another serious sin and that his refusal to grant Holy Communion under such circumstances was simply done in love and concern.
