Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Meditation: On Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion

I'm reading the initial magazine from W.A.K.E.U.P. 

What a beautiful apostolate! You can see and read this powerful issue here which focuses on chastity, exposes the new sexual revolution, and emphasizes traditional family values. What a resource for families, especially families with teenagers!

One article by Fr. Ed Broom, offers "Ten Ways to Win the Battle for Purity." Of course the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion are paramount in his list.

"A good confession," Father tells us, "can transform our souls ito the beauty of freshly fallen white snow on the virgin ground."

But it was Father's description of Holy Communion that made me pause and reread and then read again:

When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion we receive all of the following -- His totality! We receive the mind of Jesus, with His memory, that purifies our possibly dirty thoughts. We receive Jesus' Blood that circulates through our entire body, rushing through our veins and arteries. We receive the most Sacred Heart of Jesus with His most noble of sentiments; even more, we receive the absolute purity of the most Sacred Hear of Jesus. 
If you like, every Holy Communion well-received (my emphasis) results in receiving a spiritual heart-transplant. As Saint Paul says, "Put on the mind of Christ; then, you have the mind of Christ." Then Paul abounds all the more in this most lofty expression: "It is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me." Frequent and fervent and a passionate reception of Holy Communion is by far the most efficacious means to live a life of purity -- It is Jesus Himself that takes possession of our entire lives and being. 

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Think of the blood of Jesus coursing through your veins. Feel your heartbeat and realize that when
you receive Communion it beats in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Imagine your brain injected with the thoughts of Jesus and your eyes looking at the world through the eyes of Jesus with His understanding, His love and His compassion. Imagine your nerves sending to your hands and feet the messages from the mind of Jesus. Could you use those hands and feet to lead you into sin? Receiving Holy Communion is like entering a spa for the soul where our trainer is Jesus Himself.

What a wonder!

Father ends his article with Mary. There could be nothing more natural than to invoke Mary to pray for us that we might model her love of Jesus and put on her mantle of purity:
Let us beg Mary most Holy for the grace to live out this sublime Beatitude that Jesus taught us: "Blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God." (Mt. 5:8) Let us live out purity i this life so as to contemplate the beauty of the Blessed Trinity -- with Our Lady, the angels and saints -- for all eternity! Amen.
One of my granddaughters is working at a Catholic High School. I'm giving her this issue when I finish it and offering to buy copies for her to share at school. What a resource for a marriage class, for example. It would also be a blessing for those in marriage preparation!

A big two thumbs up to W.A.K.E.U.P. and my friend Missy Smith. May God abundantly bless this apostolate.

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