Friday, November 29, 2019

Are you on the Battlefield or Hiding in the Tall Grass?

“I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend…”

–  J.R.R. Tolkien,
 The Two Towers

Are you in the fight or hiding in the tall grass?

Reading through my email this morning, I came across this quote and it stirred my heart. It also made me ask myself the question: what are my sword (the word of God) and my arrows (prayers and sacrifices) defending? What is it that I defend out of love? 

A few "loves" come to mind immediately: my Lord and my God, my family, my faith, my friends, my little corner of the planet. 

Am I defending them faithfully? 

This morning at Mass I'll pray for enlightenment. Where am I called on the battlefield? Am I responding quickly to my general's commands? Or do I hide in the tall grass and watch as my brothers and sisters fall under the fire of the enemy? 

What's on your mind this morning? The sales for "black Friday?" Or will you be at morning Mass kneeling before the King and pledging your sword and quiver to His work? 

Help each of us, Lord, to desire nothing more passionately than Your holy will. Mary, Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.


  1. you always manage to say just the right thing at just the right time. I'm so grateful.


  2. Tolkien owes a nod of the grateful head to Chesterton for that quote.

    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

  3. Thank you so much, Dad29. I love both of them!

    And thank you, Anonymous. I've had several of those "right times" reading my Magnificat this month. No accident, eh? And I'm working on my quarterly newsletter ( and the Blessed Mother whom I consider my editor sent me to a book I forgot I had that dealt extensively with the subject of my article.


    I think not!
