Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Refugee Resettlement Watch: What Don't You Understand about Islamic Infiltration?

America is (or was) a Christian country -- a PROTESTANT Christian country. And that is part of the problem today impacting most government decisions. Because protestantism is the religion of individualism beginning with the firebrand that lit the holocaust, Martin Luther.

I think that is one of the reasons so many have been so quick to embrace Islamic infiltration. After all, if America is a country where individual rights trump everything (including reality!) then who are we to put the common good over anyone else's "rights." So people defend the "right" of individual invaders at the border, the" rights" of individual homosexuals or transgenders to force their alternate reality on everyone else, and the individual "rights" of Muslims to establish centers where they preach a philosophy totally inimical to our constitution.

The common good, embraced by the Catholic faith as part of the "Great Commandment," love your neighbor as yourself, requires protection of the human person as an individual, but also the common good of society. Certainly defending the rights and protection of the human family (a unit composed of husband wife and their offspring by birth or adoption) is a "common good" issue that should be embraced by every government. It used to be embraced in the United States. No more!

America faces a challenge every bit as threatening as Europe faced in the past (and very graphically in the present). The battle of Lepanto in 1571 saved Europe from Islamic invasion and preserved the Christian West. The feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7th, which used to be named the feast of Our Lady of Victory, was established to remember the great victory at Lepanto. It isn't the only time Marian intercession saved the Christian West. At least three other Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar celebrate Catholic victories over Islam through the intercession of Mary and the rosary.

The annihilation of America is not a foregone conclusion, although we are teetering on the brink. Let us pray the rosary and do penance that the reign of Christ the King will become a reality here and throughout the world.

Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us.


  1. Unfortunately, it is the great majority of Catholic Bishops who are promoting unwise, and indeed evil, decisions by our government rather than the traditional Protestant faiths.

  2. Dear Mary Ann. ABS used to live in Maine and the way the Messias Deneirs and The Shabbos Goys targeted that "too white and peaceful" state for destruction is not unlike what has happened in other states.

  3. Douglas Patrick ValenzuelaNovember 6, 2019 at 4:40 PM

    Badcatholic: the guilt is shared by both the American Catholic bishops and the "traditional Protestant faiths." The Saul David Alinsky tactics of the American Catholic bishops speak for themselves. What may be less evident is that the "traditional Protestant faiths" have been compromised from at least the Episcopalian adoption of birth control. The Presbyterians for many decades have been a Communist front. All of the "traditional Protestant faiths" have their own sexual abuse scandals of children and adults -- these widespread scandals like those in the public schools go unheralded in order to media bludgeon the Catholic Church. Try finding orthodoxy among the main line Lutherans -- great numbers of them do not believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God Incarnate, and as for Our Lady, well she was just another Jewish girl, nothing special about her, who had relations with Saint Joseph and gave birth to the "brothers and sisters" of Jesus, etc., etc. Mary Ann Kreitzer summed it up well when she states:

    "The annihilation of America is not a foregone conclusion, although we are teetering on the brink. Let us pray the rosary and do penance that the reign of Christ the King will become a reality here and throughout the world."
