Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Hour is Late when the Abomination of Desolation Desecrates the Altar of St. Peters!

You no doubt have noticed that the readings over the past weeks center around the book of Maccabees and the abominations raised up in the temple and the persecutions of Antiochus. Is it "just a coincidence" that we heard these things (and continue to hear them) during and after the pagan Amazon Synod? I don't think so. God seems to be pointing his finger at the desecrations and inviting us to open our eyes and SEE. If you haven't been fighting yet, Church Militant, it's time, way past time in fact. Today I'm writing to my bishop asking for Masses of repentance -- at the Cathedral -- and at every parish in the diocese. Whom do we serve? Pope Francis and Pachamama or Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. "I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live." (Deut 30:19)

This illustration from the old Baltimore catechism is trending on Facebook along with lots of other cartoon illustrations used to teach the faith. In view of what happened at the Vatican during the Amazon Synod I thought it was particularly relevant. Just put Pachamama on that little pedestal instead of Buddha with the pope kneeling where the boy is. That is essentially what happened in Rome!

Think of the bowl of dirt with the red flower that Pope Francis had placed on the altar which represents Pachamama in another form. The goddess statues were absent at the final Mass, but Pachamama was very present.  Every indigenous person there, along with wolves like Bishop Erwin Kräutler and Fr. Pabhis Suess and their cohorts, no doubt also knew exactly what was happening with "Mother Earth" in a bowl.  I pray they are ignorant, but I seriously doubt it in view of the scandalous working document and the participation of witch doctors and shamans at the Synod. What a spectacle! Talk about Lucifer shaking his cloven hoof at God during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the cooperation of the Vicar of Christ. If you aren't horrified, you lack a Catholic sensibility.

You can read about the bowl's significance here. Every time the pope bowed to the altar, he bowed to the demon goddess, Pachamama. Keep in mind that putting the bowl on the altar in the first place was a liturgical abuse. The fact that it represents the presence of Pachamama, the fertility goddess, magnifies the evil exponentially.

Make reparation, folks. Sr. Agnes Sasagawa says the chastisement Mary warned about at Akita is imminent. We probably cannot stop it, but we can mitigate its severity and console the Sacred Heart of Jesus so pierced by our sins.

The second half of the video below focuses on the Amazon Synod and the warnings coming from the four exorcists who called for a special day of reparation on December 6th and on-going reparation from the faithful.  The U.S. Grace Force team discusses he recent apparition received by Sr. Agnes from the angel of Akita beginning about halfway through the video. The whole thing is worth watching (or listening to while you do other things).

Viva Cristo Rey! "Pray, hope, and don't worry." It's our Lepanto Moment!


  1. Do you know about the day of prayer and fasting on December 6th recommended by 4 exorcists? This should go out far and wide:

    We must make reparation. And, of course, St. Peter's and that St. Mary's must be reconsecrated.

  2. The Father of the Poor
    Look at the mass readings of the critical days of the Amazon Synod:
    OCTOBER 4, the day of the spiritual birth of Antichrist on the lawn in Vatican's Gardens:
    The FIRST READING [Baruch 1,15-22], [verse 22]: "Everyone walked according to the intentions of their evil heart, for we served foreign gods and did evil before the eyes of the Lord our God."
    The RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 79.1-2.3-4.5 and 8.9; [verse 1]: "God, pagans have invaded your inheritance, +
    they have desecrated your holy sanctuary, "
    The GOSPEL (Luke 10,13-16); [verse 16b]: "... but he who despises Me despises Him who sent Me."

    OCTOBER 27, desecration of the altar on the tomb of Saint Peter.
    The FIRST READING (SIR 35, 12-14. 16-18); [verse 12]: "The Lord is a judge who has no regard for persons." ... [18]: "he will stand up for the righteous, and give the right judgment."
    The RESPONSORIAL PSALM (PS 34 (33), 2-3. 17-18. 19 and 23); [verse 17]: "The Lord turns his face against evil doers, *
    to erase their memory from the earth. "
    The SECOND READING (2 Timothy 4, 6-9. 16-18); [verse 6-7]: "My blood is already to be poured out for the sacrifice, and the moment of my separation has arrived. I performed in good competitions, finished the race, guarded my faith." Saint Paul the Apostle is a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, so in the context of pagan rituals at the Vatican, the Militant Church can say about herself: "I have finished my race, I have guarded my faith."
    THE GOSPEL (Luke 18, 9-14); [verse 14]: "Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

    Did the daily sacrifice cease on October 27, 2019? Is it only in the Vatican or in the whole Catholic Church? Was Christ's Mystical Body killed on that very day? A dead body cannot give birth, so the Church can no longer give birth to the Eucharist (through the ministry of the anointed priests). Perhaps the Eucharist remained only in the form of previously consecrated hosts, i.e. by noon of the last Sunday of October 2019 [CET] - something like children born just before their mother's death.
    Catholics may be extremely surprised by this, but not God. There is no more urgent reading today than the Revelation of Saint John. What does Almighty God give his faithful children in return? I think his answer was in the form of one of the patrons on October 27: Saint Abraham the Poor, also called the Child ( The Father of the Poor is the title of the Holy Spirit, but also the Paraclete - he is probably an Old Child, so no one pays attention to him, except for the Holy Virgin, his sister, ladyfriend, bride and spouse.
    November 24, 2019 on the feast of Christ the King of the Universe and the Iveron-Montreal Icon of the Mother of God (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an Icon began weeping golden myrrh, 1982)

  3. Very interesting comments . First of all the video about Akita and the Exorcists calling for Fasting and prayer......apparently they that in the ORIGINAL message from Akita ,Our Holy Mother informed Sr Sasakawa that Her statue's left hand bled corresponding with the nun's hand in so much pain so as to keep her from receiving Our Lord in the HAND which, according to Her message , offends Our Lord very much...........

    That was NOT mentioned in the video! Also Ms Bree apparently does not know how to say "Baphomet" instead ,she incorrectly calls the pagan god "Bamphomet....".

    No wonder these alleged Exorcists are having so much trouble expelling the demonic these days.
    Their other suggestion is to call or write to your Bishop asking him to repent.......GOOD LUCK THERE !
    Never receive the sacred in your unconsecrated hands.Read the Early Church Fathers and the Scriptures and forget listening to the very confused.Confusion comes from the Evil One .

  4. The exorcists are NOT asking for the bishops to repent. They are asking for Masses of reparation for what happened at the Vatican. Of course we should ask the bishops and our pastors to offer Masses of reparation!

    With regard to the pronunciation -- are you serious? That's just silly.

  5. Maybe I am heaing wrong but it sure sounds like the speakers here are asking you to call your Bishops and ask them to repent.That will go over really well!

    Also NO mention of the original core message of Akita concerning Communion in the hand.

  6. Something to think about..............

    I wonder if the S Carolina parish was exorcised reconsecrated where Cdl Bernadin sexually abused 'agnes' at a black Mass or if St Paul Behind he Wall was exorcised and reconsecrated after the con celebrated alleged Satanic Enthronement Ceremony, referred to in "The Keys of this Blood" by the commonly referred to phrase as the "Superforce" within the Vatican?

    I recall the sexual attack of a fourteen yr old in our parish Church as a child. The Church was closed and exorcised and reconsecrated.

    How many parishes wherein a child or children were molested by priests do you think were exorcised and reconsecrated especially since these crimes were covered up?

  7. Correction..........that would be the Basilica of St Paul Behind the Walls where the con celebration of the Satanic Enthronement Ceremony was alleged to have taken place on june 29th of 1969.

  8. Did I miss the poignant message from Akita concerning Communion in the Hand in that si video MaryAnn? Did Bree or Fr Heilman mention it???

    " The book, unexpectedly to me, makes very strongly the case for receiving Communion on the tongue. It does this first of all using evidence from the miraculous happenings at Akita itself, but backs up its claim with quotes from documents by Paul VI and John Paul II, as well as the observed behavior of these pontiffs.

    Sr. Agnes received a stigmata on the palm of her left hand during Mass on several occasions that was so painful she was unable to open her hand to take Communion, as was the custom then at her convent. Because of this, she received on the tongue. When she reflected upon these things, she came to believe that what she experienced was evidence of a divine wish for Communion on the tongue. Eventually, her entire convent went back to receiving on the tongue (which had been the normative practice in the Universal Church for at least 1,700 years or so)."

  9. Fr. Heilman is a champion of Communion on the tongue. See these links:

    You act like the fact they didn't mention it in this particular video means they don't support Communion on the tongue kneeling. You're all wet on this. Please stop beating a dead horse!

  10. I thank God for the bloggers and podcasters who voice concern about the daily heresies and apostasies coming out of Rome. Without them it would only be a grand Bergoglian silence. Please let us not nitpick about about pronunciation! in my life and at my Church there's no one paying attention. God bless all of you who walk with us in these surreal times.

    he almost daily

  11. By their podcasts and writings these faithful heroes are throwing antiChrist in the Tiber every day. God love you all.

  12. " Dead Horse ",

    Repentance for Communion in the Hand was the core message of Akita.

    Apologies for offending any quasi conservative Catholics on this site.

  13. I wasn't talking about Akita and its message about Communion in the hand, Anonymous.

    I was talking about your criticism of Fr. Heilman and the Grace Force team as though they support Communion in the hand. They do not. That was the "dead horse" I was talking about. We are on the same side. It isn't very prudent to attack your friends when you are in the trenches together.

    As for "quasi conservative Catholics" that just made me laugh. I think we are called to orthodoxy and a deep love of Christ to the point of suffering and martyrdom for Him.

    "Conservatism" doesn't even begin to touch our obligation as Catholics!
