Wednesday, December 4, 2019

This is a MUST READ -- A Theological Review of the Amazon Synod by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski

Be honest, you pope worshipers out there -- WHAT HAPPENED AT THE SYNOD WAS IDOLATRY! Not only that, but, after reading this article, I can only say it was pagan worship on steroids!
Let me share just a few things from Dr. Peter Kwasniewski's presentation(See video below.) First, consider information on the ceremony in the Vatican garden provided by Stephen Mosher "famous for his decades-long work exposing the evils of China’s policies on abortion and their violent treatment of the Catholic Church." Here's what Mosher said about the pagan garden ceremony:
The ritual [on October 4] was presented as a “tree-planting ceremony” celebrating St. Francis of Assisi’s love of nature, but this was just a smokescreen. During the course of the ritual, Pope Francis received and blessed a Pachamama idol and was given a pagan necklace, an offering of soil to Pachamama, and a Tucum ring. The Tucum ring is a black wooden ring made from an Amazonian palm tree. It is often taken to symbolize a commitment to Liberation Theology, a Marxist distortion of the Faith that emphasizes liberation from poverty over liberation from sin. But in shamanistic Pachamama rituals, such as the one conducted in the Vatican gardens, it has a deeper and darker meaning. Here, a gourd rattle and occult spells were used to direct demonic energy to the Tucum, which comes to represent a spiritual marriage with the “earth goddess” (or, in fact, demon, since as Scripture teaches, “all the gods of the nations are demons”). In the Vatican News video recording the ritual, the shamaness can be seen empowering the Tucum with occult spells and her gourd rattle beginning at the 11-minute mark. She then approaches the pope and puts the black ring on what appears to be the ring finger of his left hand at just before the 13-minute mark.[ix]
Pope Francis receives the tucum ring from the shaman.

Mosher’s report grows darker still when he discusses the significance of the bowl of soil with several plants bearing red flowers that was carried into the closing Synod Mass by a woman in Amazonian tribal dress.
[x] It is customary in South America to mix the soil in such an offering bowl with the blood of a sacrificed animal or, in older times, blood of sacrificed children.[xi] Mosher continues:
Such a Pachamama offering is intended as an act of reparation to the “earth goddess” for the “sins” that human beings have committed against “her” by taking from “her” the fruits of the earth—animal, vegetable, and mineral. In other words, it is the exact pagan imitation of the body and blood of Jesus Christ that are daily offered up on the altars  of hundreds of thousands of churches during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in reparation for the sins of the world. Such a pagan Pachamama offering has no place in a Catholic church, and yet not only was it brought into St. Peter’s at the very head of the procession, but it was placed on the high altar itself. [I found this particularly interesting -- and chilling -- because the devil always perverts Christian signs and ceremonies. Think of the black mass. Think of satanic activity using the crucifix and rosaries and other Christian symbols in perverted ways. Think of the Garden of Eden polluted by the sin of our first parents who listened to the lie of the devil. And now note this same kind of satanic deception taking place in a holy garden sanctified by the blood of the martyrs as shamans and witch doctors chant their incantations to the demons. It's the return of the prince of this world to Eden for a second fall!] 
There is so much more in this. You can read the presentation or you can watch it. Whichever mode you choose, don't miss this important talk! His discussion of intentionality is riveting. A good intention cannot make a bad act good. And if it could, then the first century martyrs were fools. Why not give that pinch of incense to the Roman gods with the intention of saving their lives rather than worship. Poof! No problem. This talk is worth listening to more than once and sharing with others.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry:

    Guy, Texas
