Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Guest Post: On Joe Biden, the Racist/Sexist Nominee of Bigoted Democrats

Is Biden's favorite fish groper grouper?
I guess "bigoted Democrat" is redundant since the Dems make certain issues non-negotiable if you want to represent their party. You defend the right to life of the unborn or the right of women to be safe from men masquerading as women in the locker room or competing on your sports team? Well then... be prepared to be cast into the outer darkness. 


by James M. Thunder

There’s no doubt about it! In the Sunday night Democratic debate with Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden committed to selecting people for jobs on the basis of their race or sex. This is quintessential racism and sexism.

He said he’d nominate a woman as his vice president and he’d nominate an African-American woman for the U.S. Supreme Court. If a reader substitutes “man” or “white,” it should be clear that he is sexist and racist.

How would people react if Biden had committed to appoint a Jew or Jewess, a Catholic, a Mormon, an Asian, a military veteran, a New Yorker, a Texan, a graduate of The Ohio State University, a nationally known athlete, a recent immigrant (not for the vice presidency), a person from the deaf community? None of these characteristics matter, really, for Vice President or the U.S. Supreme Court. What matters is what Biden’s nominees think!

That said, there are a number of women who would make excellent presidents and therefore could be nominated for vice president. Here are some Republican women in alphabetical order: Pam Bondi, Jan Brewer, Joni Ernst, Mary Fallin, Nikki Haley, Kay Cole James, Susana Martinez, Kathy McMorris Rogers, and Condoleezza Rice. In fact, they’d make much, much better presidents than Biden.

Does Biden really believe there are Democratic women who have what it takes to be president? He doesn’t provide a list. If he was serious about promoting capable women, why didn’t he argue for the inclusion of Tulsi Gabbard in the Sunday night debate when she demanded his support for her inclusion? Or why didn’t he drop out and endorse one of the women in the race: Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren? Or why didn’t he refrain from running at all and encourage qualified women to run for president?

As for his commitment to name an African-American woman for the U.S. Supreme Court, where’s Biden’s list? And does his commitment mean that, if President Trump were to nominate an African-American woman – to the federal bench at any level, during this term or his second term, Biden would encourage Democratic Senators not to look behind her gender and race to what she actually thinks? (Or does Biden think that all African-American women think the same?)


  1. Mary Ann, this is excellent and right on the mark!

    By the way, I just talked to Church Militant because the Vortex today was on Catholics, China,and Covid -19, and told them to check out your post from yesterday on the Amazon Synod and Pachamama connection. I think Michael is on to something, but that you have the other piece of the puzzle.

  2. Girl you CRAZY!!! TRUMP IS THE �� DEVIL!!! Wait until the next election. It will be the end of an ERROR! Not once have you written that Trump has ever done anything wrong. Remember GOD knows all!! Read your bible more please! When did you become an expert on world affairs. Show some HUMILITY and compassion. And you do not speak for the black experience.

  3. Interesting....Trump, who opposes abortion which murders a disproportionate number of black babies with the blessing of the Democrats, is the devil. Democrats who cheer for the murder of children of all colors and do everything they can to keep black voters down on the plantation are going to fix things. I may be crazy, but you are delusional.

    Everyone, Trump included, and even you have "done wrong."

    As for the black experience...there are plenty of black voices defending western values: Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Mia Love, Mildred Jefferson, Alveda King, Walter Williams..... and young black voices.

    Those who defend the black babies in the womb from Planned Parenthood are the ones who have real compassion! Are you among them? I was involved in helping to save quite a few sidewalk counseling for 20 years. Several black unwed moms lived with my husband an me during their pregnancies.

    Where's the evidence of YOUR humility?

  4. Thanks for your response. But your answer only covers one issue - Abortion of which I am against and always have been. But after a child comes into this world underTrump anyone who does not look like him is on their own.
    We will see in November who our God wants as President. And if it is not Trump you will get 4 years to continue your hate under the guise of Conservativism and abortion. Trump refers to African Americans as ' The blacks' and people from Africa ' people from shithole countries' Is that o.k. for you? He sure ain't no Saint! Did you ever think that this virus is a message to Creation? And of course you said you are not worried about getting it! Yet the Archbishop of New Orleans announced today he has the virus. Lord save us!

    To God be the Glory!

  5. You're a hoot! So humble and charitable as you accuse someone you don't even know of hiding my "hate" under the guise of conservatism. And you claim to be pro-life but I'm betting you are full court press for the Democrats who never saw an unborn baby or even a newborn of any colore they wouldn't be willing to kill. will have a hard time convincing me that you are pro-life. And as for hate -- it's obvious you hate Trump. He has done more for black employment than Barack Obama did in eight years. But I seriously doubt that you are black. But it's convenient to play let's pretend under the "Anonymous" moniker.

    Why don't you go troll someone else's blog.
