Friday, March 6, 2020

Some Common Sense about the Coronavirus and Holy Communion

How many germs are passed around
during the sign of peace.
Goodness, a bishop is showing some common sense about the risk of contracting the coronavirus from the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue.

Portland archdiocese: Coronavirus or no, Communion can be received on the tongue

As the article points out, the risk of contracting the virus is equal regardless of how the communicant receives and actually the hands are more likely to be germ ridden. I have no intention of changing my practice and will receive on the tongue when I go to Mass. 

What should be suspended is giving Communion under both species and the sign of peace! Think of sharing the chalice with everyone who drinks before you and how many germs are passed in those hand shakes right before Communion? That's the real risk of transmitting the coronavirus. 

Who says bad situations can't have good results? If we get rid of those two thing, even for a time, it will be a blessing for the liturgy. I still remember the extraordinary minister who dropped a chalice filled with the Precious Blood of Christ on the sanctuary steps at a church in Texas. I knelt in the pew and cried.


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