Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Coronavirus is Being Weaponized to Achieve a Particular Outcome!

St. Charles Borromeo took Communion to the sick during the plague.
Do you think he cancelled Masses in his diocese?

Michael Matt of The Remnant offers common sense on the coronavirus. "Don't get sucked in!...We need to calm down....Don't let the media manipulation work it's magic, it's diabolical magic, on you....We need to read between the lines about what's really going on." He reminds us that there was a time when THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOOK CHARGE OF THE PLAGUE! Let us call on our bishops and clergy to do that once again.

St. Charles Borromeo shows us how clergy should behave during a plague:
When Charles was Archbishop of Milan an unrelenting pestilence struck his city in the 1570s. Yet, did he close churches, chapels and flee from his faithful in hiding? Did he offer Eucharistic services online? No, no way, not even if he had had the technology! On the contrary, he stayed the course and trusted his Lord for deliverance. And it was the bubonic plague, after all, with boils and discolored skin....That 16th C. plague was an absolute monster whose unstoppably destruction wiped out millions (not a few thousand!) in Europe over the following decades into the next century. (Source)
As Matt says, let us place ourselves in the hands of Our Lady. She is always a mother to her children and what mother isn't there especially when her little ones are sick, suffering, or in danger.

Our Lady, Help of the Sick, pray for us.


  1. We know now a tad more about how disease is spread.We can Trust in God and use the common sense He gave us.

  2. Actually, he did all the beautiful things you describe, but the saint did in fact close churches during the plague of 1576-1578 and instead celebrated Masses at street intersections so people could see from their homes. Another beautiful thing, and the prudent, protective thing a true Father would do for his children.
