Friday, April 3, 2020

Churches locked but bi$hop$ still want The Money. O.Ver.My.Cold.Dead.Body.

No Mass, no Sacraments, no Easter
bishops want the flow of

$$$$$ to continue unabated.
Opening lines to The Money Song from Cabaret

A Mark, a Yen, a Buck or a Pound 
Is all that makes the world go around,
That klinking, clanking sound,
Can make the world (of the bishops) go 'round. 
(notice the bishop's Emcee' gold teeth @ 0:25 in video below)

After decades of offering stones to the faithful, the bishops suddenly have links to orthodox websites and activities for the laity to engage in "to keep our Faith", "to be close to Jesus" while we're now jobless and imprisoned in our homes. To remind you of the stones we are given, here's a partial list posted in the comment section of one of last year's blog posts. Thank you to the unknown person who sent this.

Following is a small sample of things from "true representatives" of the Catholic Church.
1. Cardinals, bishops and priests sodomizing young men.
2. Nuns advocating homosexuality and abortion, even acting as "clinic escorts" at abortion clinics.
3. "Catholic" representative doing the same (and everybody receiving Holy Communion from the hands of sodomitical 
cardinals, bishops, and priests).
4. Jesuits criss-crossing the world, preaching the acceptance of homosexuality.
5. Thousands of priests and theologians openly preaching heresy. For decades.
6. Priests joining masonic lodges while remaining priests.
7. Priests leaving the priesthood to marry each other.
8. Bishops openly clamoring for the ordination of women to the priesthood. Ditto for priests, nuns, and lay organizations.
9. Theft from dioceses (millions of dollars) by clerics from one end of the U.S. to the other.
10. Liberation theology, so-called, being promulgated unimpeded for decades (and now being preached by Bergoglio).
11. Millions of Catholics leaving the Catholic Church in Latin America, Europe, and the U.S., as well as other places, due to false teaching.
12. Priests and nuns advocating for "transgenderism".
13. Priests joining Communist parties.
14. A pope who publicly praises abortionists (among a myriad of other outrageous things).
And on and on and on, ad nauseum.

Here are a few more - The bishops persecute good and holy priests, bishops allow parishes to participate in sodomite pride parades, bishops allow priests to teach that sodomy is not a sin, bishops silence their priests on the subject of abortion because they would no longer receive The Money from the government for their wicked programs, the bishops lie, the bishops steal, the bishops knowingly transfer sodomite priests from parish to parish and diocese to diocese. Of course there are a few good and holy bishops, but they themselves are persecuted by their fellow bishops, the majority of whom are ruled by the Lavender Mafia of sodomites in God's Holy Church. And the laity? Half the laity have no knowledge of what Our Lord taught. They support abortion. They support sodomy. Same-sex marriage. Transgenderism.  They support what their sodomite bishops and priests support. They support wickedness.

The river of gold paid out for 
sex abuse crimes of the clergy
So...? Coronavirus? Locked Churches? Masses all over the world suspended? Is this the beginning of the Chaistisement? And now the bishops close and lock up Catholic churches across the nation. In Florida, despite Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis saying otherwise, Archbishop Thomas Wenski declared that Florida's Catholic churches will remain closed until after Easter.

However, Archbishop Wenski and bishops across the nation want faithful Catholics to continue to send in The Money because they have to pay bills. Considering if they hadn't ordained wicked sodomites to the priesthood who then sodomized the young, whose parents then sued the church for BILLIONS, those same bishops would have The Money to pay their bills. 

Perverting the Word of the Lord is more important to them and now that the time of the chastisement for their sins has come, with locked doors and no people in the pews without The Money, the bishops are beginning to panic. They are letting go half their enormous staff because they can no longer afford to pay for extraneous jobs, they say that they still have to pay the electric bills of their enormous diocesan buildings and palaces... and some bishops might not be able to pay their rent boys any longer.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archdiocese of Miami, FL
"The Archdiocesan Office of Development has created two websites in response to the suspension of Masses and closure of businesses caused by the coronavirus. On one website parishioners can continue to support their churches through online giving; on the other, Catholics can assist those suffering economic hardship. A letter from Archbishop Thomas Wenski explains the need for both and exhorts all the faithful who are able to do so to contribute as generously as possible."

Bishop Frank Dewane, Diocese of Venice, FL
" is also necessary to provide for the ministry of the Church, as well as continue to serve the poor and the vulnerable though Catholic Charities. The Catholic Faithful are humbly asked to continue their generous support for our Parishes, Schools, Catholic Charities and the Diocese."

Bishop Felipe Estevez, Diocese of St Augustine, FL
"Parishes everywhere have been impacted economically and are struggling. Catholics are asked to continue giving during these difficult times. Several churches have online giving options. Parishioners can also consider mailing their offerings to the parish office."

John Noonan, Diocese of Orlando, FL
"If you wish to make a donation to your parish online, please click here. You will find the opportunity to choose your parish and make your donation using a credit card. Of course, it is always your option to donate using the service of the United States Post Office. Place your check in an envelope and mail to your parish address."

Bishop Gregory Parkes, Diocese of St Petersburg, FL
"While we are all striving to follow social distancing directives and support the health of our communities we know many are looking for ways they can assist others. To make it easier for those able to contribute, we have compiled the following list which includes e-giving for individual parishes, coronavirus relief, item donation needs throughout our diocese and prayer volunteer sign-up."

Bishop William Wack, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL 
"Please remember that all parishes need your continued support during this time. If you are financially able to give, please continue to tithe to your parishes."

Bishop Gerald Barbarito, Diocese of Palm Beach, FL
Other than a large yellow "GIVE TODAY" icon at the top right of the diocesan home page, I could find no overt announcement by Bishop Barbarito for imprisoned, jobless Catholics to continue giving The Money to closed and locked churches.

Your Excellencies, my own personal answer is not just "No", but "Hell no". I will not send you or my local parish The Money. The parish is locked up tight! Besides, my tiny widow's mite would not help much anyway. 


  1. They will get all the cash they need from China, Soros, NGOs etc. They don’t mind getting money from us. They don’t need money from us. I doubt they are concerned about tithes.

    Tithes. A quaint word that indicates a faithful giver of his “first fruits” to God and a faithful recipient acting as a good steward for God. But when God is removed from both sides of this equation, then the tithe stops meaning what God meant it to mean. We keep our money. They don’t miss our money. We need to find God, badly. Repent. Return. Give God our “first fruit”, somehow.

    With the collapse of SSPX, I don’t really know where to go to find the Catholic Church. My soul, my family’s, our souls are at serious eternal risk. I will do my best, until taken to judgement. Then I will know, as I am known.

  2. In lieu of the Mass and Sacraments, we are offered videotaped Mass (in the comfort of our own living rooms!) and in lieu of Confession we are encouraged to make "perfect" acts of Contrition (a mighty difficult feat to do under the best of circumstances, let alone when terrified, possibly sick, no income and locked up). And there's always "spiritual" Communions (after all hundreds of years ago most of the faithful only received 6 times a year anyway), and there you go! I'm going to send a letter to my bishop 6 times a year making a generous, and heartfelt "spiritual" donation. So much easier!

  3. LOL! Thanks for the laugh, Anna. A priest friend has said a number of times that bishops respect the "Almighty Dollar" more than "Almighty God." I think he has it about right. Just look at Bransfield of WV and all the "bishops of bling."


    USCCB Shutter the Churches but keep the Borders open because the best way to actualise social distancing is to continue to bring poor, ignorant, disease infected aliens into America.

    ABS can't wait for VV Day (Victory over Virus) but he laments the fact that the Virus will not be around to sign the Treaty of Unconditional Surrender aboard the USNS Comfort

  5. Yes, to be a successful pastor and in the "good graces of the Bishop" father should have money in the bank with no debt. The Church has become the "Church of Nice" where the shepherds have abandoned their flocks and have chased after the finer things that the material world has to offer. First comes how much money is in the bank and then follows the concern for the souls of the flock. The "popular" pastor must not challenge the faithful in the pews as he instructs them with the Divine Truths. No, the Bishop does want angry parishioners because he is afraid that they will no longer give. Well Bishops, remember "the prophecy" of Father Joseph Ratzinger from 1969. Yes, it is unfolding with more to come.

  6. Mary Ann K...Speaking of Bishops of bling.....How many of the above-mentioned Bishops fit that bill and generally what is the caliber of said Bishops, just as a matter of interest?
    Some of Our (b)bishops have developed thick hides over the years

  7. PS....
    Anna's comment "I'm going to send a letter to my bishop 6 times a year making a generous, and heartfelt "spiritual" donation. So much easier!" suggests she has one such bishop

  8. "Priests leaving the priesthood to marry each other..." Really? Nothing would surprise me anymore, but even this???

  9. The remarks by the new theologian/modernist Joseph Ratzinger seem to ABS to be a plan rather than a prophecy.

    ...that small flock of faithful as something completely new: they will see it as a source of hope for themselves, the answer they had always secretly been searching for.”

    If those words sound like the campaign promises of Barack Obama it because they are, almost word for word in that Obama was going to fundamentally restructure America and that "we" are the change "we" have been hoping for.

    Any man - Pope, Prelate, Priest, or politician who tells you something completely new is about to form, avoid him. He is a radical who will leave you severed from the past.

    It is interesting to remember that he was a suspect theologian untrusted by the then Holy Office but he was not subjected to serious discipline but when he and his Vatican Two Revolutionaries successfully completed the revolution (overturning an existing order) they demanded obedience to their revolution.

    It was Ratzinger who wrote the speech of Cardinal Frings delivered during the opening session of Vatican Two that was based on a lie and that attacked The Holy Office and the great Roman, Cardinal Ottaviani.

    The basic idea behind this "prophecy" is base communities favored by revolutionaries that will decide for themselves the forms of new ministry, new sacraments etc etc

    It is essentially a propagandistic parade with protestant participants pretending to be part of Tradition

  10. Yes, the devil has taken charge of the hierarchy including false "Pope" Bergoglio. They will get theirs on these days. But, just a bit of good news at Epiphany Cathedral. Personal confessions have been offered for the last two weeks. Bishop Dewane has permitted a good thing and thanks to our Rector John Costello.
