Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fr. Tom on Catholic Liberal Logic 101 (Hat Tip to Jonathan Swift)

If pro-aborts thought of babies as puppies, would they protect them?
Editor's note: I used to sidewalk counsel at an abortuary in Falls Church where one of the deathscorts was a gay retired postman named Jim. (Not a Catholic) Jim had a dog named Pumpkin. When Pumpkin got sick and was at the vet's, they had no employees overnight. Pumpkin died alone during the night. Jim fought to get legislation to require vets to have their clinics staffed at night. I asked him to think of the poor babies as puppies. Jim was an expert at Liberal Logic 101 and continually gave me notes or told me that abortion "sent the babies back to God." His thinking echoed Catholics who argue for women's "reproductive rights" saying they aren't pro-abortion, but "pro-choice." Please pray for Jim today. He died about twenty years ago. What can we say about a culture that treats animals like people and treats people like trash. That's Liberal Logic 101. When it's practiced by Catholics, it's diabolical! And now...Fr. Tom's article.
With a number of pro-aborticide Catholics supporting Planned Parenthood and its new “Shout Your Abortion” campaign, I could not help but to note that, accepting certain premises, which have been embraced by many Catholics, including even some who are
pro-life, there can be some theological merit to this campaign.

Specifically, if it is theologically valid for us to presume that God’s compassionate mercy is so great that we can presume that all aborted babies automatically are taken into heaven, is it not reasonable to conclude that aborticide is indeed a sacrament of initiation? And if this is the case, would not Planned Parenthood’s “Shout your abortion” campaign be in full harmony with the New Evangelization?

If a soul suffers [aborticide] with Christ, that soul will rise with Him (Rom 8:17). And with Planned Parenthood allegedly initiating more souls into heaven through “sacramental aborticide” than American pastors are doing through infant Baptisms and RCIA programs, is it any wonder that prominent Catholic politicians are
so enthusiastic in saying ,”God bless Planned Parenthood!”? And is it any wonder that so many bishops insist that Catholic proponents of “sacramental aborticide” must be given Holy Communion in order to strengthen them in their commitment to this valuable ministry of the New Evangelization?

This logic is further confirmed by the fact that normal sacramental Baptism only initiates a soul into the life of grace, which lead to eternal salvation. But that grace can later be lost through unrepented mortal sin. In contrast to this, “sacramental aborticide” allegedly is able to guarantee not only initiation into the life of grace, but also its full fruition. Thus one could say that aborticide has more sacramental and salvific efficacy than Baptism.

After all, offering a soul the certainty of eternal salvation would seem much more preferable to merely offering it the possibility of eternal salvation. Is it any wonder then that so many Catholics are supporting efforts to increase the number of abortions? After all, since the salvation of souls is the highest law, are not Catholics
obliged to promote practices which will guarantee eternal salvation, rather than merely make it possible?

This may also help us to appreciate more deeply the developing kenosis theology of Pope Francis, based on Phil 3:5-8. According to this theology, just as Jesus emptied Himself in order to offer humanity deliverance from sin and eternal life, the Spirit is now leading the Church to empty herself of her doctrinal dogmatism and moral rigorism, so as to embrace all of humanity into a New World Order of tolerance, harmony, justice and peace – as defined by the ever-evolving dictates of political correctness.

It makes one wonder.

Fr. Thomas R. Collins
Hot Springs, VA


  1. The main problem with this diabolical thought process of liberal logic is that one may not commit evil so that good can come from it. Unless they convert to Christ they will go to hell for eternity.

    Also liberals could care less about the baby being in heaven. If they really thought that way they would likewise have to think about the state of their own soul, so blackened with death.

    And Bergoglio? What can we say? The "spirit" leading him to "empty the Church of her doctrinal dogmatism and moral rigorism" is not the Holy Spirit, but that same spirit who tempted Jesus in the desert - which is the same spirit who appeared to Mohammed in the cave at Hira and gave him the murderous Quran. Is it any wonder then that Imam Jorge empties the Church of Christ? Loves Islam?

  2. Did Jesus ever seperate his followers into liberal or conservative camps? I think not. The quote above: ' And liberals could care less about the baby being in heaven' Really? What is the basis for this statement? I don't try to speak for all liberals just like obviously all conservatives do not speak for me. Calling our Holy Father by his last name lacks the proper respect for the successor of Peter. He has responsibility for one billion fellow Catholic's and makes decisions for the whole Church. No human being will ever receive 100% support - only GOD.

    Where is the outrage over the 72, 000 plus persons in the image and likeness of God who have been lost to this pandemic? It is not Democrats or Republicans but the whole of Government that has failed, and is responsible for so many unnecessary deaths. Pro-life efforts should be from womb to tomb and should encompass all issues. Abortion and corona virus etc. are equal and one in the same for true and sincere protection of all human life.

    When politicians say about this pandemic: 'Yes we may loose even more people to this pandemic but we have to open the economy' Is that pro life? And on its face sounds as ridiculous as a woman who claims she has a right to decide if her unborn baby lives or dies. We are called to defend life as Christians even when it is not always easy to do so.

    Jesus I trust in you!
    Mother of Sorrows pray for us!

  3. Acolyte, I (and I think Fr. Tom) use the term "liberal" to identify a specific thought pattern described in "Liberalism is a sin." You can read the book online at

    Liberalism is a philosophy that replaces God with man and his arrogant belief that he is the Lord of creation and can, from his own power, solve all the problems of the world. You see that among many identified as "liberal." politicians. Andrew Cuomo actually put it in words when he claimed any success against the virus as his own accomplishment. That was at the same time he was forcing nursing homes to endanger (and ultimately) kill many of their healthy residents by requiring them to take in the infected.

    And yes, it is pro-life to open the economy. This virus is going to be around for years. You need to do some research on the impact of the shutdown on the opioid crisis, alcoholism and depression, suicide, domestic violence, food shortages, families losing their homes, etc. Or do those lives not count? We will probably see famines as well, especially in the third world. But most "liberals" consider those people expendable. Do you? Only those who are comfortably well off can be cavalier about 33 million people losing their jobs who don't know how they will put food on the table.

  4. Acolyte - This will be a short reply because I have to go to work since I'm an essential worker....have not stopped working since this whole thing began...and I'm an "at risk" person. So don't talk to me about the pandemic.

    Yes, Jesus separates people into camps - those who obey His Commandmants and those who do not. It's in the Bible, remember? Jesus is with the people WHO OBEY His MORAL LAW. Is he with Pelosi and Biden? NO. Because they are salacious baby killers. Murderers. Butchers of the unborn. Blood sacrifice to Satan.

    Your entire comment is a great example of liberal logic. Have to go to work now. Gee, I hope I don't get the virus tonight.

    PS - Apparently God does not receive your whole support, does He? Me? Not giving proper respect to Bergoglio, aka Imam Jorge? Well what can one expect from a convert who was once anti-Catholic. I'll try to do better in the future to satisfy your standards. Yawn.

  5. This is why I now rarely comment on this blog. I never said anything confusing or negative about Fr. Tom's post. My comments were specifically toward the person who initiated comment number one at the end of the Fr's post and I think my concerns regarding the respondents initial comments were quite clear and succinct. How is it then felt that I need to be schooled on Liberalism? Should my degrees also be listed when I comment on postings for this blog. There were no comments from you on the respondents initial comment. Am I to assume you agreed with every single word from respondent #1?

    Now moving onto my pro-life comments. Thank you for sharing your feelings.On this issue we disagree. I was thankfully allowed to present my comments and you have now provided a response. These actions now allow others to read for themselves and make their own determination.

    Peace be with you.

  6. You took issue with the use of the term "liberal." I thought that needed a clarification. And we do indeed disagree on your definition of pro-life, if you, in fact, think keeping people on lockdown indefinitely doesn't have life threatening results.

    But peace to you as well. It wall all be "clear and succinct" on Judgment Day when Jesus explains it all.

  7. The other side of the "presumedly saved" aborted infant is the "presumedly damned" lockdown suicide, which ought to tip the balance against against "innocent" covid deaths.

  8. All: I think acolyte is a "militant moderate" a term I think I coined. But enough about me. I don't want to sound like acolyte. Liberalism is not only a sin, but a mental disorder.
    An excellent a-theistic book (God, nor anything supernatural being mentioned) by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a psychiacrist, makes a strong scientific case for liberalism being a case of perpetual "terrible twoes." People, who for evident lack of firm parenting never grow up! Liberalism is a form of narcissism, including self-styled "moderates" who are perhaps the most narcissistic---and angry, of them all. Now, both will argue that they are the only reasonable, peaceful, open minded---hence, superior to all of the rest of us, people. Now, they may not say it in words, they shouldn't have to to other liberals, all of whom "get it." But We The Inferior Masses wouldn't get it anyway. Also very good reads for understanding the liberal mindset are Dr. Thomas Sowell's books, A Conflict of Visions, and The Vision Of The Anointed. The titles pretty much tell the story. Most of us, I think, realize on some level we are fallen, even broken creatures, in need of redemption. Enlightenment writers like the Scottish Hobbes and Locke, David Hume and others, followed by French such as Rousseau and later, tried to replace the Biblical account of the Fall, corruption of humanity, and Redemption by our Lord---in purely humanistic terms. You could call them the first modern liberals, though Adam should weigh in as the first liberal! Liberal Utopian Narcissists are not like us! The same rules that govern humanity do not govern them. That is why they can kill babies, and the elderly, the sick and "useless" sniffingly with abandon. We could each write a book on this, but I will stop here.

  9. Interesting comment, turkeyridge. Thanks. I'm watching Ann Barnhardt's video on diabolical narcissism so your thoughts are timely for me. I'm a big fan of Thomas Sowell so thanks for those references. I'll check them out.

  10. Thanks for your nice comment on my comment. I did, however, forget to add a small correction. Never use liberal and logic in the same sentence, it's an oxymoron.
