Sunday, May 3, 2020

Red Rose Rescues Save Lives and Souls!

Visit the RRR Facebook page and please pray for those on the front lines saving babies
 from death and their moms from a lifetime of sorrow and regret.
Rescues, sidewalk counseling, and pro-life help centers all save lives. I can tell you that for sure because I've done all three. I have a poster with photos of babies saved by both rescues and sidewalk counseling and at the pregnancy center many women brought in their precious babies to show them off and say thank you.

My husband and I attended a baptism of a saved baby. We went to the Islamic wedding of the older sister of another. The "baby" was five at the time and the only one of five children who couldn't speak farci. Her mom described her as their "all American girl." We held baby showers in our home for moms who chose life. I babysat for a little one saved at a rescue at the notorious abortuary of Milan Vuitch, the butcher of D.C. who joked he'd kill black babies for free. He failed to get that precious little girl who was born on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade!

I love the Red Rose Rescues and the rescuers. They are courageous and loving. They don't rescue only for the sake of the babies whose lives are in danger, but for the moms and families of the babies whose souls are in danger. The abortionist can only kill bodies. The devil wants souls. He tolerates murdering the innocent who escape his clutches, because he wants the souls of their parents and those complicit in the murder. Once he convinces parents to kill their children using the staff at the abortuary as his frontline workers, the next step is to encourage them to remain in their sin, hate God because of their guilt, and ultimately despair. What a harvest of souls for his consumption!

Fr. Fidelis, missionary priest to the unborn and their parents is arrested in New Jersey.
St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, pray for rescuers. Magnify their work by your intercession.
So many women describe their agonizing regret -- how they sank into drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, depression and despair. Others attack with claw and fang anyone who questions abortion. How many aborted women use anger and hatred against the truth to justify their own evil act? I suspect their number is legion, certainly among celebrities at the forefront of the pro-abortion movement who magnify their sin by scandal!

Please pray for the Red Rose Rescues and all those touched by them. At the recent event in Louisiana, ten women left the abortuary and two definitely changed their minds and accepted referrals for help. Did any of the others come back to finish the murderous deed? Only God knows.

The abortuary is our modern death camp, Auschwitz in clinical disguise. Sometimes not much in disguise like the little shop of horrors run by Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia. How many Gosnells are still out their preying on women?

During this month of May, the month of Our Lady, let us especially remember all the mothers considering abortion and with prayer, sacrifice, and practical assistance extend a lifeline. 

Our Lady of Life, pray for us.

Queen of the most holy rosary, pray for us.

Mary, Mother of all, pray for us.

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